You have three user roles inside Insights:
- Admin user
- Standard user
- Basic user
Your organization administrator assigns and changes the roles. To determine your assigned role, your org admin can go to My Acoustic and click on the three-dotted icon in the org you're interested in. Then they need to click Manage:
Choose the Users section in the left-hand menu to see a list of users (depending on your role) with their respective roles assigned.
Now, let's find out what permissions you have for each role.
Admin user
As an admin user, you can:
- Create, edit, move, and delete folders.
- Edit, copy, and save dashboards.
- Drill down to details inside each dashboard.
- Create duplicate, delete your alerts, and see and duplicate alerts marked Public by other users.
- Schedule the delivery of your alerts.
- View and follow other users' alerts. View the alerts they have followed or for which you are listed as a recipient from the Manage Alerts user page.
- Email any dashboards and queries with visualizations to which you have data access.
- Download queries (as CSV, Excel, and other formats). You need to specify a row limit of 5,000 or fewer to avoid memory problems from large downloads simultaneously.
- Access and use the Explore page to generate reports (this functionality is coming up).
- Reset filters.
- Move the dashboards that you have created to trash. You cannot, however, delete the default dashboards that the Insights team created.
You can delete the Dashboards permanently from the trash folder: - Clear cache and refresh internal and embedded dashboards, legacy dashboards, dashboard tiles, and the Explore section.
Standard user
The standard user has the same permissions as the admin user except for duplicating, scheduling, and deleting alerts.
Basic user
As a basic user, you can:
- Access the data, but only the data that admins specify.
- Download queries (as CSV, Excel, and other formats). You need to specify a row limit of 5,000 or fewer to avoid memory problems from large downloads simultaneously.
- View and follow other users' alerts. View the alerts they have followed or for which you are listed as a recipient from the Manage Alerts user page.
- Email any dashboards and queries with visualizations to which you have data access.
- Take a look at the details of a dashboard and download a report, but can't edit it.
- Schedule delivery of your reports.
- Reset filters.
Note: In addition to clearing/refreshing filters, all users (including basic users) can interact and apply filters to the dashboards.