Character limit of a tracked or clickstream link in a landing page
Acoustic Campaign has a limit of 1,000 characters per URL, including the protocol portion (for example, http:// or https://). If a URL is longer than 1,000 characters, you get an error message.
If you have a legitimate need for a URL longer than 1,000 characters, consider non-tracked hyperlinks or a URL shortening service such as
Download link is referencing to a non-existing content
The site doesn't have any content with content id of: error specifically points to look for problems with content id that is assigned to a Link to File link. The source code needs to be examined. To know what to look for, it is important to understand the proper html syntax that results from adding a Link to File link to a page, and publishing.
If a Link to File link is inserted to the page and Saved, the source code is similar to the following: <a href='#LPDOWNLOAD' target='_blank' name='SitePlan' contentid='11918884' filename='SitePlan.pdf' xt='LPDOWNLOAD'>Site Plan</a>.
Upon publishing the site, xthyperlink Id is added.
If the contentid becomes blank or accidentally gets modified or truncated: <a href='#LPDOWNLOAD' target='_blank' name='SitePlan' contentid='119188' filename='SitePlan.pdf' xt='LPDOWNLOAD' xthyperlink='2608581'> Site Plan</a>.
You experience the error, The download link is referencing to a non-existing content. This site doesn't have any content with content id of: X' with X when publishing with X being the contentid. The following screen shot is for when there is a blank value for contentid=''.
To correct the problem, reload the file by following these steps:
- In Design View, click on the link in question and then click on Insert/Edit Link icon.
- Check the radio button for Asset Library and click on Select File button, then find the file again.
- Highlight the file and click on Insert Now you see the file name populated.
- Click OK button to close the Link Properties.
- Click the Save button and Publish.
Now you can see that all errors are gone, and publishing is successful. From the Source View of the page, you can see the contentid now (different contentid that is compared to before is expected when you reload the file): <a href='#LPDOWNLOAD' target='_blank' name='SitePlan' contentid='11918908' filename='SitePlan.pdf' xt='LPDOWNLOAD' xthyperlink='2608581'>Site Plan</a>.
Google tag manager iFrame error
Google Site Analytics is enabled on a Landing Page. When the Landing page site is published, the following error appears: Page contains hosted content (Iframe) that is invalid. The missing file is:
The Location shown in the [Site Errors or Warnings:] portion of the Publish Confirmation window, which is shown once Publish is clicked, indicates which page of your site needs to be addressed. For this example, both the Confirmation (call-confirmation) and Form (call-form) are missing file, which is causing an error to be displayed.
- Within the edit site section of Landing Pages, choose the Manage Site tab and click the page that is causing the error.
- Switch to Source View and do a search for the missing file.
- Verify that the source file is properly formatted. In this example, the system is searching for a file locally, but it does not exist which is the cause of the error. To correct you need to add 'http://' or 'https://' to the Google Tag Manager link, allowing the system to search externally for the hosted file.
- After the changes are made, click Save and then Publish. The error no longer appears.
HTML5 DOCTYPE tag error
Landing pages are not designed to use a defined doctype. While you are able to use a doctype, including html5, there might be adverse effects on the way your web forms are rendered. Those warning messages are not specific to HTML5 but rather the use of a DOCTYPE tag. It warns you about the potential rendering problems.
Landing pages and anchor tags
A Page is referencing missing content. The missing content is #top error occurs when a landing page is published with anchor tags.
- Go to the landing page site.
- Open the Manage Site
- Open the page that contains the bookmark link.
- Switch from Design View to Source View.
- Locate the HTML bookmark code such as <a href='#bottom'>Bottom</a>
- Manually add both NAME and XT attributes to this A tag, as <a href='#bottom' name='anchorBottom'xt='SPBOOKMARK'>Bottom</a>
- Click Save.
Note: The NAME value must be unique and different from other link names on your page.
Link to a file in a new window without using the link to file link type
The File Download link type downloads the file rather than open a pdf in a browser window.
To link to a pdf using a regular Tracked Hyperlink link, take these steps.
- Create a landing page on a new or existing site.
- Go to the Manage Site tab and create a link.
- Fill in the information that is asked for.
- Publish the site and go to the linked file.
- When the form opens, click the link that was created.
- When the document opens, copy its link.
- Go to your email and make a tracked link to this pdf url to point to your document directly. A new window opens instead of prompting to download the file.
Loading problems
To fix landing pages that will not load, clear your cache, log out, and close all browser windows. Then, log back into Acoustic Campaign.
- Internet Explorer - supported versions 7, 8, 9. Go to Tools and choose Temporary Internet Files and select the delete button.
- FireFox - current versions are supported: ALT key, Tools and select the clear now button for Cached Web Content; clear also for Offline Web Content and User Data if disk space is being used.
- Chrome - current versions are supported: Chrome menu and then Empty the cache, then select CLEAR BROWSING DATA button.
- In Internet Explorer, you can change your Compatibility View settings.
- Open Internet Explorer for the desktop, click Tools, and then click Compatibility View settings.
- In the Compatibility View Settings box, add the problematic website URL, and then click Add. Compatibility View is turned on for this single website, for this specific computer.
- Use Compatibility View to decide whether you want your internet sites to be displayed, then decide whether to use Microsoft compatibility lists and then click Close.
Make the new page button on the manage site tab show for a user
By making updates to organization settings, you can make the new page button on the manage site tab show for a user.
To make these changes, following these steps.
For organization administrator users
- Go to Settings and then User Accounts and click Your Account.
- Open User Permissions.
- Check Landing Pages - full access.
- Click Save.
- Log out and log back in to Campaign to view all Landing Page features.
For standard users
- Go to Settings and then User Accounts and click Your Account.
- Open User Permissions.
- Check Create/Edit Site rights.
- Click Save.
- Log out and log back in to Campaign to view all Landing Page
Once the steps are completed, you see all landing page features.
Meta tags in the Page Information section are being stripped when landing pages or web forms are published
The source code for the page already contained a meta tag that defines the character set that was entered automatically by Dreamweaver. Once this tag was removed and the site was republished, the tags specified by the client in the Page Information section of the WYSIWYG editor were present on the page.
You must either use the Page Information section to specify your meta tags or include them in the source code. If both are provided, the system always defaults to the tags in the source code.
Only empty folders can be deleted
How to fix the following error? Only empty folders can be deleted. This folder contains the following items...
Because of the hidden CSS and JavaScript, the solution is to rename the folder and to import it again with your modified content.
Open a downloaded PPTX or PPSX file
If you host PPTX/PPSX files on your landing page, visitors might see unexpected results when a file is downloaded. When visitors click on the link to download the file, the familiar Open or Save dialog box might appear, however, some visitors' browsers might attempt to open the file within the browser window.
Since there are numerous file extensions, the visitor's browser might not understand how to properly handle them. Because you have no control over the visitor's browser settings, it is recommended that you place Right-click to Save As above the link that allows the visitor to download the file.
Page is referencing to an invalid xthyperlinks
The xthyperlink is xxxxx error occurs when a landing page or web form is copied, but the unique hyperlink ID, xthyperlink, is not updated. To resolve this error, remove the xthyperlink element from the hyperlink tag in the page's HTML source so the Acoustic Campaign can rewrite it.
- In your web page, switch to Source View.
- In your browser, open the Find/Search feature or use CTRL+F. Enter the xthyperlink ID found in the warnings (for example, xthyperlink='428932') or just type in 'xthyperlink'.
- When you find the xthyperlink, delete the xthyperlink='xxxxxx' code only, not the whole tag. Repeat for the other IDs.
- Save the page. Once you save the page, the Acoustic Campaign assigns new xthyperlink IDs.
Note: When you no longer see this warning, you can publish the page.
Preview page
The preview function shows the default page if you click the Preview button in the upper right-hand corner. In the left-hand column, under the Manage Site tab, if you right-click the page name and select Preview the correct page appears.
Prevent the selected Contact Source is in use by a Landing Page Site error from appearing
Check the Deleted tab under Landing Pages to see whether landing pages are present. If so, delete them from the Deleted tab, you can then delete the database.
Page contains hosted iframe content that is invalid
When a landing page with an embedded video is published, you receive the following error (or something similar, based on what service the video is coming from): Page contains hosted content (iframe) that is invalid. The missing file is
Check your embed code that is taken from the service. It is likely missing the 'http:' or 'https://' from the src= element.
To fix, see whether the page the video is contained on has https: or http: and place it before the two forward slashes. Save the page and this error does not appear when publishing.
Page contains hosted content (Iframe) that is invalid
An embedded YouTube or Vimeo video that uses the video embed tool results in the error: Page contains hosted content (iframe) that is invalid. The missing file is... when the Landing page is published.
Recent changes in Vimeo and YouTube video embed scripts removed the 'http:' from the player or video URL. However, it is fixed by adding the various fixes that are shown to the video URL:
You Tube
The copied and embedded code appears as <iframe width='560' height='315' src='//' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>
The src='//' part is missing the 'http:' part.
Type it in so it becomes 'src=''. Then, use the video embed tool to add your video to your landing page.
Similar to the YouTube example, Vimeo leaves out the 'http:' portion of the link to the player. Add it to this url: src='// becomes src='
The missing 'http:' issue does not affect Hulu video embeds. Paste the embed code into Acoustic Campaign Video Embed Tool without issue.
Published landing page does not allow a contact source nor web form to be added
Once a landing page is published, a contact source or a web form cannot be added.
A workaround is to save a copy of the landing page site, by using Save As. This allows you to add or change a web form or a contact source on the newly created site.
Track visitors who have disabled cookies in their web browsers
Landing pages track activity through cookies and visitors must have their cookies enabled for tracking to work.
The page you are trying to access must be associated with an Acoustic Campaign email
The error occurs when you navigate directly to a landing page that is designed for Forward to a Friend.
Navigating directly to the landing page by copying the URL results in this error. Send the actual email to your own email address and click on the forward to a friend link to test.
Web tracking that does not work on a clickthrough with a landing page
Web tracking that does not work on a clickthrough with a landing page can be caused if the submit button on the web form contains a redirect to another page, which you would like to track as well. The web tracking goes only as far as the Acoustic Campaign landing page in this case.
There are two workarounds for this scenario:
- Create a confirmation page with a tracked redirect hyperlink to the external page.
- Create a confirmation page that looks exactly like the external page to which you want clients to redirect.
Web form columns are missing from a database
The error means that the landing page site that is imported contains a web form that references one or more fields that do not exist in the database that is selected as a contact source for the site during the import.
In order to resolve this issue and import this site that uses the same database as the contact source, you would need to add the fields that are mentioned in the error message to your database.