Cancel button not working
You’ve added a cancel button to your web form and published the form. When someone clicks on the cancel button, the button might work in some browsers but not others. Why?
This is a browser-specific issue, but the product is working as designed. To fix this issue, use either the text field format for the cancel action or the Take User to URL redirect option with the Cancel button, rather than Close the browser window option.
Cannot import submit button
You’ve imported a custom web form, but the submit button is not recognized by Acoustic Campaign. Because there is no recognition, an error occurs that causes the custom web form import to fail. Why?
The error occurs because Acoustic Campaign supports the <input> HTML code as: <input type='submit' value='Submit'> for the Submit button in a custom web form.
All other types of submit button codes are not supported, such as <button>:<button type='submit' value='Submit'>Submit</button>
In this case, if you are using other types of button code like '<button type='submit' ... >', you must work around this issue by changing the code to '<input type='submit' ...>'.
Custom event name error
When you add a new name to a custom web tracking event, you'll see an error. To fix it, use a unique name for each custom event name to prevent this error. Be aware that you cannot use the following terms as a custom event name: Click, Custom, Download, Form, Multimedia.
Custom opt-out forms and unsubscribes
When you use custom opt-out forms, the opt-outs are not registered in Acoustic Campaign reports. If the opt-out link is a tracked hyperlink, you can get a sense of who opted out by looking at the clicks for that link.
You can still see opt-outs for an email with a custom opt-out. This happens when recipients send an abuse notice through their ISP. This is considered an opt-out in the report.
Note: Bounced email addresses are not included.
Custom web forms are not auto populating the checkboxes
You’ve changed the field in your form from check box to radio selection and republished the form. You test the form and find that the radio selection does auto populate with the contact data. Why?
You must add the following bit of code: value='Yes' and allow check box selections on your custom form to auto populate.
<td class='fieldLabel' style=''><label class='yesNoCheckboxLabel'> <input type='checkbox' value='Yes' name='COLUMN11' id='COLUMN11' label='checkbox2' />checkbox2</label></td>
To clarify, this does not set a default value on the field, but rather displays the check in the box if the data in the database for that field is marked as Yes.
Email: Value already exists
When someone submits a web form, the following error appears. Email: Value already exists.
This error might come up when you are testing with limited internal test emails and applies only if the same form is submitted many times under the same browser with an email address already in the database. It is not unusual to lose track of which of the internal email addresses is already in the database.
Under Standard Web Form Properties, if Auto-populate if contact is known is checked, the email address in question will be remembered the next time that the same web form with the same browser is visited.
When email address 'A' was submitted with the web form, the browser remembers the email address due to the web cookie. Therefore, the last submission was tied to email address A in the database. As you are testing the web form, it is possible that you visit the same web form by using the same browser multiple times. The next time that you visit the same form, you will see that email A is pre-populated on the form if you are using the same browser. If you submit email B on the same form and B already happens to be in the database, the Email: Value already exists error shows. If email address B is not in the database, you won't get this error and you will overwrite A's email with B's.
Web form visitors are unlikely to see this error. The chance for them to visit the same form a second time and enter an email address that belongs to someone else in the same database are slim.
External form postcode does not cause the external form to update
You’ve created an Acoustic Campaign external web form using external form postcode. When you added a new field and republish it, the new field does not show on the external site. Why?
External form post code is raw HTML defining the code and submitting it to Acoustic Campaign. When you update a form with new text, a new field, and so on, you must publish the page and grab the new external form post code and update your existing page.
If you want the form to update automatically when you publish a page after an update, you will want to use the iframe code. This code displays the form, as it appears when published, in an iframe. When updated and republished, the new field displays on your external site.
Information not found
When you click Submit on a web form that was linked from a test email, the following error message appears: The information you entered was not found.
This is related to the test email not being a live email. To fix this issue, either create a test database or query out the specific test email accounts and send them a live email. By doing this, the web form submits without error.
Issues with special characters
You’ve imported HTML for a web form, but when a contact submits special characters available in UTF 8 encoding, they are not being stored correctly in the database. Why?
Make sure your HTML meta tag contains 'http-equiv', 'content' and 'charset' attributes as follows: <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
Then, republish your web form for any changes to take place. If the issue persists, please contact client support.
New contact is stuck on Lookup in a web form
You’ve enabled the Include Lookup feature, but it does not allow for a new (or prospective) contact in your database to access the web form. Why?
This feature can be checked or cleared when the landing page has not been saved. Once the landing page is saved, or it has been (re)published, saving occurs before publishing. The Include Lookup check box is disabled as a selection and cannot be undone or removed.
It is best to use this feature when your web form is exclusively accessed from a database-matching an Acoustic Campaign mailing. The recipient, as an existing database contact, is a known record and can access the web form upon entering the required Lookup criteria.
New external form field values not populating in database
You recently added a field to an externally hosted form. Even though a value is being provided in the field, this value is not populating in Acoustic Campaign when data is submitted. Why?
An externally hosted form cannot exist on its own. It must be tied back to a corresponding form hosted within Acoustic Campaign. When you add or remove fields from the externally hosted form, you must make the same changes to the Acoustic Campaign hosted form.
Two extra "p" tags in the web form
When creating a web form, you notice that it always seems to add 2 extra p tags, an open tag and closing tag, to the html when it is saved, published, or anything in the web form is changed. Why?
The cause of this behavior is because the WYSIWYG-editor knows HTML and not HTML5. To avoid, publish from the source code, making sure that the non-breaking space is not there, and then do not change after publishing.
Unable to process your request
When submitting a web form, an error message 'Unable to process your request' appears.
This occurs if the contact source is in the archive folder. To fix this error, move the contact source out of the archive folder or make a copy of that landing page and assign a new contact source to it.
Use email as a hidden field for the primary key of a database
When creating or modifying the web form within an Acoustic Campaign Landing page, it is not possible to provide a hidden field for the primary key of a database since, by default, it is a required field.
This is true for the email field as well, as it also cannot be a hidden field on any web form regardless of whether the database type is Flexible or Restricted.
Attempting to hide the email field in a non-imported web form results in the following error: "You cannot hide the email address."
VS parameter in the url from an unsubscribe form submission
The VS parameter is the session cookie added to the user's browser. You can view these cookies via different methods depending on the browser being used. Instructions per browser for viewing cookies can be found online.
Web form validation field
After the validation choice is made and the changes are live, an error will appear any time the incorrect format is used. The error will have the field name and acceptable data for entry.
Here is a list of accepted validation types.
Field Name |
Acceptable Entry |
Alphabetical characters only |
Enter letters (A-Z) only. |
Numbers only |
Enter numbers only |
Date in mm/dd/yyyy |
The date must be in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
URL starts with http:// or https:// |
URL must start with http:// or https:// |
Phone number in 123-456-7890 |
The phone number must be in 123-456-7890 format. For the Custom Regular Expression, refer to the Customizing web forms article. |
Zipcode in 12345 or 12345-6789 |
A zipcode must be in 12345 or 12345-6789 format. |
Web form background color not showing
You've changed the background color of your web form, but the color is not showing for an external form postcode.
To fix this, within the source code, you'll write the style code, within the form tag, for the background color of the new landing page.
Web form displays %%FORM::DEFINITION%%
You open your landing page site and the web form displays %%FORM::DEFINITION%%. You also notice that the form is no longer viewable or editable. How can you fix this?
To fix this issue, follow these steps:
- Make a copy of your landing page site.
- Open the landing page site and click the web form.
- Go to Source View.
- Look for <p>%%FORM::DEFINITION%%</p>
- Remove everything after <p>%%FORM::DEFINITION%%</p> between the div tags.