Two way campaigns are commonly used to opt-in and out using a specific keyword.
Create an SMS two-way opt-in
- Go to SMS and group messaging > Campaigns. Click Create campaign and choose SMS one-way opt-in.
- In the Provide details section:
- Enter the campaign name.
- Select your code.
- Set your time zone, optionally.
- Enable sending hours if you'd like.
- Click Next to move on to the next section.
- Set the duration of indefinite or limited.
- Click Next.
- If you choose limited, you can also set pre and post launch responses here. Provide a message to be sent as a pre-launch response for day(s) before this campaign starts. And a message sent as a post-launch response after the campaign ends.
- Click Next.
- Create keywords and messages, including a welcome message, already enrolled message, opt-out message and help message.
- You can set up character mapping or shorten links.
- Click Next.
- Toggle the activate campaign option. Click Create.
- Alternatively, you can choose not to activate the campaign right away you can choose Create as draft.