Performance Insights sunset
Performance Insights was fully replaced by Insights on March 15, 2024
Will you incorporate the full Performance Insights capabilities into Insights?
Yes, we will have parity and beyond with this modern user experience, along with richer Business Intelligence capabilities. Parity will not be a like-for-like user experience, but the use cases will be supported.
Read more about the differences between Insights and Performance Insights.
When can we expect all Performance Insights filters to be fully integrated into new Insights?
We are releasing features incrementally as we complete them. We had three releases before February 2024 as we enhanced the portfolio of dashboards. Not all filters are available in the standard dashboards but will be available through the edit permissions coming in 2024. We will continue to release enhancements and new dashboards as we go beyond the capabilities of Performance Insights.
Which reporting is more accurate, Classic or Performance Insights?
They're all accurate, but what they report on and how they are different comes down to things like message resends, seeds and test lists, look-back windows for assigning engagement events, refresh and data availability windows, etc. The billing and reporting systems each use a different date for organizing a mailing. Some use the scheduled date, while others use the first or last date sent. This can cause differences when comparing reporting systems, especially for end-of-month and year mailings. The aggregate is correct, but the organizing to a window of time is different.
My current reports in Performance Insights are set up by datasource. I haven't been able to replicate the same functionality in the new Insights. Any help?
Contact Source / database is an attribute we're actively working on to bring forward into Insights so you can filter on or append to widgets for additional detail. It will become available in March '24.
Will classic reports remain available in addition to Insights when Performance Insights is retired?
Would that be the same for folder limits, i.e. only show metrics for mailings within the user's mailing folder access?
Folder permissions are not supported within Insights.
General questions
Are seed list appends removed or included in the reported data?
They aren't included.
How far back will data be available in Insights for comparisons?
We began capturing events last year. By the end of this year, almost all customers will have the standard 450 days of historical data persisted.
Are there transaction and $revenue metrics in Insights?
Conversion and currency metrics are coming very soon.
Can the system identify bot clicks now? How does this work?
Yes. We created an algorithm that detects bot clicks for emails. Bot clicks are algorithmically detected based on the frequency and time of numerous clicks and flagged as non-user behavior. Bot clicks are pre-filtered. However, users can remove the filter when accessing the reports to view bot-click impacts.
Is there a way to detect bots in SMS messages? I do not see the same toggle tool in the SMS Dashboard. We note the bot clicks with a preview image that is generated by devices when including a tracked link in a message.
Bot click detection is only available for the Email channel now and is built around how security appliances click each link of an email message.
Are automated campaigns included?
Yes, they are included.
Is this feature available in the base product or does this cost more?
Insights are included in your current contract. Connect features such as the Executive Dashboard and behavioral experience signals are available with upgrading to Acoustic Connect.
What time zone does Insights use when tallying data? For example, if I run data for yesterday will it reflect 12 AM-11:59 PM in my time zone?
You can set your time zone context in your settings.
What is the difference between Email clicks (unique) and Email HTML clicks (unique)?
HTML clicks would not count text version clicks.
When will the heatmaps be available?
Heatmaps are available for email - you can drill through the list report. We have enhancements coming for it as well.
Can you expose the Mailing ID in this view for exports, so our analytics team can match back to Conversion KPIs?
We will add that to the enhancement suggestions and evaluate priority.
Can you drill in so that you can see which contacts in the system clicked through, which bounced, etc?
Contact level dashboards are being created to depict deliverability and engagement at a Message and Contact ID level. Insights will allow for easy drill access to these reports as we make them available per channel.
How do we or Acoustic disable the row limit? And when would this come into play?
Row limits are a global parameter that you cannot modify above the current threshold. We are considering its removal once we evaluate usage and impacts but no timeline as of now.
Do we need to build dashboards on our own? Or are they pre-built templates, that we can tailor to what we need?
The standard dashboards are ready to use and fully functional. You can edit and save copies of those dashboards. Report viewer-only users won't be able to create or edit dashboards, but they can view dashboards others have created and shared with them.
Will we be able to make custom modules down the road?
Yes, based on your role permissions. The ability to edit is coming in the first half of 2024.
In the list of emails report widget, can you customize the KPI metrics shown in the table?
We are adding additional measurements with each release. Once we enable edit/author privileges, you'll be able to create custom versions of calculated fields.
On the KPI tiles, what does the +/- compare to? For example, if filtered on the last 7 days, does it compare to the previous 7 days or the same 7 days last year?
The KPI tiles compare to the previous 7 days. The period-over-period comparison is determined by the selected time filter and always shows the prior adjacent time range.
My organization cares about gross/total clicks (not unique) broken out by link, excluding bot clicks. How do we get to that data?
We are including some of the more classic measurements in these reports over the coming weeks as we continue to mature and validate those metrics for prime-time use. Web links are tentatively scheduled to be available in the May 2024 release.
Why the Executive dashboard is not available to Campaign users?
The Executive dashboard combines Campaign + Tealeaf data, showing what happens beyond the click with experience analytics like session duration, customer signals, abandonments, and behavior experience scores. If you'd like to learn more about Connect please reach out to your Account Executive or Customer Success Manager for more information.
Are you adding the Single Mailing Report and Clickthrough report to this tool?
Not as a like-for-like user experience, but we have some coverage of the capabilities. The Email Heatmap shows click-activity overlaid against the content of a message.
Are all of the performance metrics unique by default?
Yes, unless otherwise noted all metrics are unique. Gross counts will be added soon.
Does this reporting aggregate metrics for all orgs? Or is it only possible per org?
Insights' reports are aggregated at the org/subscription level.
What does "engagement" mean on the widgets?
Engagement is calculated with clicks.
Are open and clicks from seed emails counted in the data?
Currently, seeds and test emails are excluded, just like in the Performance Insights. They will be available in a future release and pre-filtered out similar to bot clicks.
When clicking on a journey, is there a way to look at the journey overall vs. just 1 email of the journey at a time?
We are working on a Journey Performance set of reports that put into context the journey and the omnichannel steps together. We'll also be working on a Sankey visualization of these journeys. Coming soon in 2024.
Where is Campaign vs. Journey defined?
It is defined in the report definition, not user-defined. Generally, a Campaign is a one-time batch send, and a Journey is a program, automated message, or orchestrated journey (for those using new Journey Orchestration for real-time marketing automation).
When will the ability to look at specific link clicks in an individual email be coming?
Web links will likely be available in the May 2024 release.
For Journey Type, is an Automated Message Group message considered a Campaign?
Like a Program, it is considered a Journey. In the next few months, we'll add a filter to include or exclude automated messages specifically.
Is inclusion into the dashboard by list or by org?
By the organization that you are logged into.
In the Name filter, is there a way to "select all" if you want to choose many messages?
The default is all, represented by "is any value" in this case.
Can I select 20 of 100 messages?
Yes. You can multi-select as well.
How can you add more filters or create new dashboards?
Yes. Users can edit standard dashboards to create custom dashboards. Advanced filters are also available for increased flexibility and adaptability of reports. It's not available for the "Report Viewer" only users. Advanced filters can be created by advanced users and made available to "Report Viewer" users. Test emails are not included in Insights but tags are available.
Can we no longer choose a custom date range like in Performance Insights in the time filter?
Not yet, but that capability will be developed.
Can you filter on a single day?
Not yet. New time filters are going to be released soon.
We have multiple email addresses in our Acoustic account that send different queries. Is there a way to filter by email address on the email dashboard instead of them all being looped together? Will we be able to filter by the sender's name?
We are currently reviewing these capabilities for further consideration.
Is there a way to add a filter that is based on queries? I send emails to about 3 different queries on average and report numbers on all 3 of them and currently have 3 reports in performance insights that break down KPIs separately for each query.
Instead of queries, you can filter the data on database type in Insights to get those results. Here is a quick tutorial on how it works.
Can a report for the entire period be downloaded? With all of the data from the KPIs?
Yes, we recommend downloading the list report for now. It can be customized in the future to include exactly what you want to be in your file.
Can I schedule deliveries to people who don't have an Acoustic login?
Yes, any valid email address.
Can I run reports based on the link URL? For instance, I currently run reports that tell me what emails in our active programs contain a specific link. It's important for when a URL is sunset or changed.
Yes, we have Email link performance in the 'explore' functionality of Insights. We will also create a standard report focused on web links and URL performance in the future.
Will we be able to filter upon contact source?
Once we make it available, yes. We are working to get LM_LIST attributes from upstream and make those available in Insights.