In order to provide extra reporting we have included delivery metrics for your last 5 sends. This data includes the total sent, delivered, bounced, the bounce rate, abuse numbers and abuse rate. Only certain ISPs provide a feed back loop which is required to receive abuse complaints. Also, note that some bounces occur after the send and will not be displayed here but is available within the Acoustic Campaign single mailing report.
In order to make it easier to read we have color-coded the different sends based on your bounce rate over 1000 sends in a day.
- Green - bounce rate is under 5%
- Yellow - bounce rate is between 5% and 10%
- Red - bounce rate over 10%
- Gray - volume is under the one thousand message threshold
What happens if I have a day in red?
Log in to Acoustic Campaign and look at the single mailing report for the send on the day in question. Determine which ISP are generating the bounces. Check the report for high abuse rate or high hard bounce rate. Both of these metrics can influence your delivery. Check the blacklist status section of the deliverability dashboard and see if you are on any blacklist. Being on a blacklist will also generate a high number of bounces. If you are unable to determine a reason for the block you need to create a case and include the date/time, mailing ID and the problem domain and we are glad to look deeper into the issue.
What happens if I have a day in yellow?
The same as what you would do if the color was red. You would look at the single mailing report and try to determine the reason for the block. If you cannot determine the reason for the block you need to create a case in the support portal and we will be glad to investigate.
What happens if I have a day in gray?
This means your volume sent for the day did not reach the 1,000 message threshold.