Overlap IP addresses
To eliminate confusion, overlapping IP ranges and individual IPs are not allowed through the user interface.
Only the last octet of the IP address is part of the range. If you need to overlap the other octets, you need multiple entries in the table.
For example, if you have IP ranges -, you must enter the following ranges: - -
Find your current IP address
Your current IP address can be found in Access Restrictions under the Security Settings area. Look for the message that states Your current IP address is and your IP address will show after this message.
Transact and IP restrictions
The Transact API has IP restrictions at the organization level, which are pulled from the Acoustic Campaign user interface. Any IP address that is in the list is restricted, regardless of the status of the check box.
Transact does not support IP ranges, so IP ranges do not work with Transact. If you enter a range, only the first entry of the range is restricted. You must insert each IP individually.
If you access an Acoustic Campaign Transact organization through the UI, the system recognizes both the org and user IP restriction, like other organizations.
Who chooses which IPs have access to Acoustic Campaign?
Organization administrators can choose which IPs have access to the Acoustic Campaign user interface and APIs. Access can be granted under the Access Restriction area within Security Settings.
IP restriction settings
IP restriction settings are used to limit or give access to which IPs can access Acoustic Campaign. An organization administrator can limit which IP addresses any user in your Acoustic Campaign organization can use to access the system through the user interface or APIs. These settings can be accessed in the Access Restriction area under Security Settings. A warning displays when you select or deselect a check box in the column. This lets you know that you are either restricting or unrestricting access.
How do I know if an IP is restricted?
In Security Settings under Settings, the icons above the Allow UI Access, Allow API Access, and Allow FTP Access columns reflect the status of each IP.
Restricted IP
If a check box is selected in either column for any IP in a user’s IP Restrictions settings, then the access is restricted. This is noted by the icon at the top of the column.
Note: If the IP is restricted at the organization level and then the settings at user level are changed, the system recognizes the user level settings.
Unrestricted IP
If a check box is not selected in either column for any IP, the access is unrestricted, and you see an unrestricted icon
The user in the following example did not restrict user interface access for any IP address, so the Unrestricted icon displays above the Allow UI Access column. In the Allow API Access column, the user restricted API access for one IP address. As a result, the Restricted icon displays above this column. FTP access is unrestricted.
What domain or IP address do I need to whitelist to receive lead route notification emails?
You should have your IT team whitelist your organization's default VMTA server. The VMTA server can be found at VMTA Servers under Organization Settings.
What is the difference between IP validation and IP restriction?
IP restriction allows organization administrator to restrict access to Acoustic Campaign. IP validation occurs when a user who is trying to access Acoustic Campaign receives a message that the IP is not recognized or is not set up under security settings.
IP Restriction - To restrict access, an organization administrator goes to Access Restrictions under Security Settings. In this area, the organization administrator can add IP addresses so that access to Acoustic Campaign is granted without having to validate. On the organization level, if a check is placed in the box next to Allow UI Access, only that IP address can access Acoustic Campaign. Users who do not make the request from the specified address cannot access Acoustic Campaign.
IP Validation - A user who is trying to access Acoustic Campaign can receive a message that IP is not recognized or is not set up under Security Settings. In this case, the user is taken to a message that a confirmation code was sent to the notification address listed for the user. After the user receives an email with the confirmation code, the user copies it and pastes it in the area provided. If the user leaves this screen before the user enters the confirmation code, the entire process is repeated.
Why do I have to confirm my IP daily?
Networks typically use dynamic IP addresses. You must confirm your IP address each day when your IP address changes daily. Client Support can turn off this notification for your organization as whole.