Exchange provides various ways on the Endpoint tab and the navigation menu to monitor and manage endpoints for your account.
Endpoint lists
The Endpoints tab lists the endpoints that are registered for your account or for which endpoint registration is in process. If the endpoint did not complete the registration process, it appears in the list as Pending until registration completes. The tab also lists endpoints that are disabled.
Use the list filter at the top of the page to filter the endpoint list.
- All endpoints View the list of all available, pending, and disabled endpoints.
- Publishers View the list of endpoints that are sources for events or audiences.
- Destinations View the list of endpoints that are destinations for events or audiences.
You can sort any of the views by Name, Status, or Description. Click the name of the column to sort alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
Endpoint details
To view details that describe a particular endpoint select Endpoint details. Exchange provides the following details about the endpoint on the Endpoint details screen.
- Description A brief description of the endpoint, as submitted by the endpoint provider.
- Authentication key The unique authentication key that is generated to uniquely identify the endpoint registration for your account.
- Endpoint URLs One or more addresses that are used to communicate with the endpoint. Depending on how the endpoint provider configured the endpoint, the URLs might identify destination URLs for event and audience data.
- Type of endpoint, either publisher or destination, for events or audiences or both. The Endpoint details also include links that describe current event and audience activity by the endpoint. Click the links in the Publisher or Destination fields to see the event or audience activity.
Endpoint status
On the Endpoints tab, view the current endpoint status in the Status column.
The Endpoint tab defines several endpoint states.
- Pending A user began the endpoint registration process, but the endpoint provider is not finished with its part of the process.
- Active The endpoint is registered on behalf of your organization. You can share event and audience data by selecting the endpoint as a source or destination, depending on how the endpoint is registered.
- Disabled The endpoint is registered on behalf of your organization but it is temporarily prevented from exchanging data as either a source or destination for event or audience data.
- Failed The endpoint registration process did not complete successfully. Contact Acoustic Exchange Support or the endpoint provider to get more information about the possible cause of the failure and to determine a course of corrective action.
To temporarily suspend activity for a specific endpoint: click the endpoint details, and select Disable endpoint. Click Enable endpoint to resume activity.
To temporarily suspend activity for multiple endpoints, select multiple endpoints, select the endpoints, click Selection actions, and click Disable selected. Click Enable endpoint to resume activity for the endpoints.
You can also disable or enable an endpoint on the Endpoint details screen.
After you add or update an endpoint, refresh the audience to make the endpoint changes visible in the user interface. In some cases, it can take several minutes for the changes to be fully processed and appear in the interface. If you disable an endpoint, all audience sharing that is associated with the endpoint is disabled.
Remove endpoints
To remove one endpoint, select the endpoint, and select Delete endpoint.
To remove multiple endpoints, select the endpoints, click Selection actions, and click Delete selected.
Note: You cannot delete an endpoint that is enabled. You must disable the endpoint before you can remove an endpoint.