Acoustic Exchange supports registering your business solution as a custom endpoint. You build custom endpoints separately in response to each registration request. This approach does not define your solution as a Acoustic Exchange application with globally accessible features.
As a Acoustic Exchange partner and endpoint provider, building custom endpoints - instead of basing the endpoints on a Acoustic Exchange application definition - means that you must build a separate endpoint for each registration request. If the endpoint changes, you must individually update the endpoint registration for every Acoustic Exchange user account that has registered the custom endpoint. For example, if you begin to support a new event type or identifier six months after you are provisioned as a Acoustic Exchange endpoint provider, you must separately update the registrations for every Acoustic Exchange user account that registered your endpoint as a custom endpoint during the previous six months.
To build each endpoint, you must call the v1/endpoint API to describe the endpoint and to describe events or audience data that it can provide. Acoustic Exchange uses the information from the API call to present the endpoint as an option in the Acoustic Exchange user interface.
Acoustic Exchange communicates with endpoints through APIs and HTTPS. If your application or service requires authenticated access, call the v1/endpointattributes API to provide Acoustic Exchange with the specific credentials that you require to establish a secure connection.
Make changes to your custom endpoint
After you have configured your endpoint and promoted it to Acoustic Exchange production environment you might sometimes need to make changes to the endpoint configuration.
If you configured your endpoint as a custom endpoint, you can make changes through the appropriate API call to Acoustic Exchange. Changes that you make to a custom endpoint do not automatically propagate to accounts that have registered the endpoint. You must update the endpoint for each account individually.