Acoustic Exchange supports FTP Application - SSH Key Support.
In order to generate and configure these SSH Keys to authentication take the following steps:
- Generate the SSH Key pair with the command: ssh-keygen
- This prompts you to save the key pair in the .ssh folder of the home directory. Make sure you do not enter a passphrase when prompted.
- Change the permissions of the content of the .ssh (this consists of the private and public key pairs) by using the command: chmod 700 ./id_rsa.*
- Copy over the public key to the SFTP Server with the command: ssh-copy-id -i user@remoteserver
Now, you can sftp/ssh user@remoteserver without password.
The procedure is the same as the FTP Endpoint, the only difference is in the extra fields section. The following fields are needed for the SFTP Endpoint:
- a) sftpDomain
- b) sftpPort
- c) sftpUserId
- d) sftpFolderPath
- e) sshAuth
The “sftpUserPwd” field is omitted from the extra fields section, while the sshAuth field is added but not prompted by the user. The value is already set in the application to “true”, which indicates that this application is authenticated by SSH Keys.