Acoustic Exchange can notify you when Acoustic Exchange users change their event and audience syndications, or if they remove your endpoint from their Acoustic Exchange user account.
Subscription notification is optional. Over time, Acoustic Exchange has released several versions of subscription notifications. Acoustic Exchange supports the earlier notification versions to support applications that Acoustic Exchange Partners have previously built and deployed. However, if you are building a new Acoustic Exchange application, or updating an existing Acoustic Exchange application, use the latest available version of subscription notifications.
You can request notifications in the Specify the provisioning method section of the Edit application phase in Integration Manager. The section provides the following notification options, depending on the notifications version that your application uses.
- Publisher only (version 1.1) Acoustic Exchange sends notifications only if your application publishes events.
- Publisher and Consumer (version 1.2): Acoustic Exchange sends notifications if your application can publish and subscribe to events. Acoustic Exchange can also include additional fields in the notification that identify the endpoint and the endpoint provider that is either producing or consuming the subscribed event.
- Publisher, Consumer, and Endpoint (version 1.3): Acoustic Exchange sends notifications as in version 1.2 and also notifies you when a Acoustic Exchange user who has registered your endpoint removes your endpoint from their Acoustic Exchange user account.
If you request subscription notifications, you must provide a subscription notification URL.
For added security when Acoustic Exchange communicates with your operational systems, you can request that Acoustic Exchange include authentication information in the header of the notification. This is optional. Specify by checking the option to add authentication for all outbound calls, including notifications.
The option to include authentication information is available for notifications only if you specify Direct connect as the endpoint registration method and the notification uses the same authentication method that you select for Direct connect registration.