Consider the following limitations when you are using web tracking.
Campaign web tracking is not a true analytics package, and is NOT suitable to complete the following actions:
- Analyzing specific page traffic.
- Discovering aggregate traffic patterns.
- Using it for broad website traffic analytics.
- Replacing products such as Google Analytics or Omniture.
Length on web tracking URL
Depending on your browser, the maximum field length for a web tracking URL is up to 1024 characters. The maximum name is up to 500 characters. Campaign generates a unique URL for each organization.
Size of web tracking cookie
The cookie used by web-tracking can be as large as 1024 bytes. After that, older data will be truncated from it. However, unless a single URL is longer than 1024 bytes, all page visits will be tracked.
Web tracking and custom landing page domain rules
Domains actively used for web tracking cannot be used simultaneously for a custom landing page domain. It is important to decide whether the domain to be provisioned as a custom landing domain is more important or continuing the web tracking with the said domain is more important
If the domain to be provisioned as a custom landing domain is more important, you must go to the Campaign web tracking settings and disable the domain in question; if continuing the web tracking with the said domain is more important, then you would need to come up with a different custom domain instead and request it to be provisioned as custom landing page domain.
Sharing a visitor key
Acoustic Campaign web tracking assigns a visitor key (also known as a web sync id) to a visitor who uses a specific computer and web browser to visit a tracked website or a Campaign landing page. The visitor key is stored in browser cookies. Campaign allows a visitor key to be shared by multiple contacts who have been identified on the same computer and web browser.
For example, when a user submits a web form for the first time, the browser is assigned a visitor key which is linked to the recipient ID of the contact. But if the same browser is used to submit other contacts, all registered recipient IDs are still linked to the first visitor key. And when a single behavior event is registered, this event triggers multiple event records to be written for each recipient ID that shares the visitor key. This is also shown in the web tracking export when you look at the event timestamp as each recipient ID that shares the visitor key will be updated. The lowest event ID for the batch however would indicate the recipient who performed the actual action.
Examples, where contacts might share the same visitor key, include a family where each member has their own subscription, a trade show where the computer has a sign-up form, a library where multiple people have access to a computer or an internet cafe.