You can find out more about the definitions of the metrics used in reporting by navigating through the main reporting page. Go to Reports > Reports (classic) and look for Metrics.
Alternatively, you could use the following references to understand the metrics definitions.
Differences between gross and unique calculations
Unique totals are the number of unique recipients that perform a trackable action. Gross totals are the total number of trackable actions that include multiple actions by the same recipient.
For example, if you send an email to one person, and that person opens the email twice, you see one unique open and two gross opens.
Metric Description
- AOL Gross Clicks
- The number of times contacts clicked a tracked hyperlink in an AOL email. Includes multiple clicks that are made by the same contact.
- AOL Unique Clicks
- The number of contacts who clicked a tracked hyperlink in the AOL body type email. Only one click is counted per contact.
- Abandon %
- Number of abandons expressed as a percentage of the visits.
- Abandons
- Number of times a web form was rendered but failed to submit.
- Abuse %
- The number of abuse complaints that are delivered from contacts for an email, which is shown as a percentage of the total number of messages delivered.
- Abuse Complaints
- The number of contacts who reported an email as spam or abuse to their mail provider indicates that the message was unwelcome. To remain in good standing (and to avoid being blacklisted), you must maintain a low abuse level for emails (for example, less than one abuse complaint per 1,000 contacts).
- Abuse Threshold %
- Abuse Threshold Percent is indicative of an acceptable, industry-wide level of Abuse Replies. This provides a standard against which to compare your organization's Abuse numbers to determine how your customers perceive your email messages.
- Average
- Mathematical average of the score values.
- Bounced
- The total number of bounces, both soft and hard.
- Bounced %
- The total number of soft and hard bounces, which are shown as a percentage of messages sent.
- Change in Contacts
- This is the change in the number of contacts for the date range.
- Change of Address
- Contact request to send future emails to a new email address. The mail server does not deliver the mail but marks it as a forwarding address.
- Change of Address %
- The number of Address Change Requests as a percentage of the total number of Messages Sent.
- Click to View Gross Clicks
- The number of times contacts clicked a tracked hyperlink in a Click To View type email. Includes multiple clicks that are made by the same contact.
- Clicks to View Unique Clicks
- The number of contacts who clicked a tracked hyperlink in a Click To View type email. Only one click is counted per contact.
- Clicks
- Represent the total number of clicks in a Publish to Social message per account.
- Clicks %
- Represents the total percentage of visitor clicks per account as a percentage of all Publish to Social accounts used.
- Count
- The total number of contacts in your Ranks.
- Delivered
- The total number of messages sent (less the total number bounced or undeliverable) for each email.
- Delivered %
- The number of messages that were delivered as a percentage of the number of messages sent.
- Delivered Messages
- The total number of messages that is sent less than the total number of bounces reported.
- Display Rate
- The number of times a rule that is divided by the number of times all rules for a given ruleset and content area combination have been displayed, expressed as a percentage.
- Displayed
- The number of times a rule is matched and its content displayed to a user.
- Email Restrictions
- When a contact rejects an email due to the content of the message.
- The ratio of unique clicks to unique opens, shown as a percentage. This provides you with an effective means of determining how much focus the contact gave an opened email.
- Errors
- The number of errored messages. A message is considered an 'error' if the message is not sent to the carrier. Reasons for errors include sending an SMS message to a U.S. telephone number using the non-U.S. SMS VMTA or vice versa.
- Errors %
- The number of errored messages as a percentage of the total number of messages sent.
- Forward %
- The number of forwards as a percentage of the total number of messages delivered.
- Forwards
- The total number of times the email was forwarded using the "Forward to a Friend" link. Each time a contact forwards your email to someone else, the report shows that as one Forward.
- Gross Click %
- The number of clicks as a percentage based on the number of messages delivered. Each click counts as one Gross Click.
- Gross Clicks
- The number of times contacts clicked a tracked hyperlink in the email. Includes multiple clicks that are made by the same contact.
- Gross Clickstreams
- The total number of clickstreams performed based on a single email or for all emails included in a Trend report.
- Gross Conversions
- The total number of conversions performed based on a single email or for all emails included in a Trend report.
- Gross Conversion $
- The total dollar value for all conversions performed based on a single email or for all emails included in a Trend report.
- Gross Conversions %
- The total number of conversions as a percentage of the number of messages delivered.
- Gross Open %
- The number of opens as a percentage based on the number of messages delivered.
- Gross Opens
- The number of times contacts either viewed an email's images or clicked in the email. Includes multiple opens by the same contact.
- Gross Shares
- Total number of times a user shared the email to a social network.
- HTML Gross Clicks
- The number of times contacts clicked a tracked hyperlink in an HTML email. Includes multiple clicks that are made by the same contact.
- HTML Unique Clicks
- The number of contacts who clicked a tracked hyperlink in an HTML body type email. Only one click is counted per contact.
- Hard Bounce %
- The number of hard bounces as a percentage of the total number of messages sent.
- Hard Bounces
- A message is considered a "hard bounce" if it had a fatal addressing error (for example, typos in the email address or an address that is no longer in use). Because the address is incorrect or invalid, we cannot deliver messages to the email address.
- Latest Visit
- The most recent date someone has visited a site.
- Mail Block %
- The number of Mail Blocks experienced for each email, which is shown as a percentage of the messages delivered. A mail block occurs when a contact (or a mail server) rejects an email, usually for security reasons. Blacklisting is one important type of mail block. If a company does not follow the "rules" for sending mail to a particular domain (for example, sending email to many contacts using the BCC feature), the domain may blacklist them and reject all future emails from that organization.
- Mail Blocks
- Occurs when a contact (or a mail server) rejects an email, usually for security reasons. Blacklisting is one important type of mail block. If a company does not follow the "rules" for sending mail to a particular domain (for example, sending email to many contacts by using the BCC feature), the domain can blacklist them and reject all future emails from that organization.
- Mail Restriction %
- The number of email restrictions reported for an email, which is shown as a percentage of the messages that were delivered. An email restriction occurs when a contact rejects an email due to the content of the message. There are three common reasons for an email restriction: 1) the contact does not accept mail with attachments, 2) the message is too long, and 3) the message is improperly constructed (for example, when the sender uses a proprietary message-generation engine).
- Mailings
- The number of emails sent.
- Max
- The largest value of a data set.
- Mean
- The sum of all values in a data set divided by the total number of values in the data set. Also called Average.
- Median
- The calculated value in the middle of a sorted data set.
- Min
- The smallest value of a data set.
- Mode
- The value that appears the most frequently in a data set.
- New Visits
- The number of one-time visitors to a site.
- % Open
- Represents the total percentage of a visitor opens per account as a percentage of all Publish to Social accounts used.
- Opens
- Represents the total message opens for a specific Publish to Social message per account.
- Opt-In %
- The number of opt-ins that are received as a percentage of the number of messages delivered.
- Opt-Ins
- The total number of times a contact clicked an opt-in link for an email. Each click counts as one opt-in.
- Opt-Out %
- The number of opt-outs that are received as a percentage of the total number of messages delivered.
- Opt-Outs
- The total number of times a contact decided not to receive further messages from the sender by replying with an opt-out request.
- Other Replies
- Responses from the contact that do not pertain to blocking, abuse, opt-out requests, or changes of address.
- Other Reply %
- The number of Other Reply Types as a percentage of the total number of Messages Sent.
- Page Views %
- (Page Views/total of all page views on the site) * 100.
- Page Views
- Gross number of times a page was rendered for a particular IP address.
- Rank
- The rank levels that are defined in your Lead Management score model.
- Rate
- The quantity of the item being measured.
- Rate %
- The number of contacts in your rank-level as a percentage of the total number of contacts in your database.
- Rejected
- The number of rejected messages. A message is considered "rejected" if the carrier does not deliver the message to the contact. Reasons for rejection include a full Inbox, discontinued service, or customer nonpayment.
- Rejected %
- The number of rejected messages as a percentage of the total number of messages sent.
- Returning Visits
- The number of returning visitors to a site.
- SMS Delivered
- The total number of SMS messages sent (less the total number that is rejected or errored) for each SMS Send.
- Score Metrics
- Scoring measurements from your database.
- Seed List
- The number of contacts who are added to the email but were not on the database. A "Seed List" includes contacts who receive all emails from your organization except test emails and autoresponders. Seed lists do not contain personalizations or any contact data other than an email address but do help ensure email consistency and control. Your organization can define more than one seed list, but only one is activated by your organization administrator.
- Seed List %
- The number of "Seed List" contacts, which are shown as a percentage of the total number of messages sent.
- Sent
- The total number of contacts to whom the message was sent. This includes Seed sends if used.
- Shared
- Total number of times a user shared the email to a social network.
- Shared %
- Total count of shares to a specific social network divided by all shares.
- Shared Click %
- Shared clicks a specific social network that is divided by all shared clicks.
- Shared Clicks
- Number of times someone clicked a link in a message that is shared to a social network.
- Shared Opened
- Number of times a message that is shared to a social network was rendered in a browser.
- Shared Opens %
- Total shared opens on a specific social network that is divided by all shared opens.
- Soft Bounce %
- The number of soft bounces as a percentage of the total number of messages sent.
- Soft Bounces
- A message that could not be delivered for a number of reasons but is not yet considered invalid. In many cases, messages are placed in this category because the contact's mailbox has exceeded its quota and the mail server will not deliver new mail until the contact deletes mail to reduce the size of the mailbox. In addition, network errors, DNS errors, and time-outs can also cause a soft bounce. Mail that is sent to these addresses might succeed again in the future.
- Submit %
- Number of submits expressed as a percentage of the visits.
- Submits
- Number of times a visitor submitted a Web form during a session.
- Suppressed
- A message is suppressed if the contact specifically requests not to receive mail from anyone in the organization (including forwarded messages). Addresses in this database will not receive emails. You can view these addresses in the suppression and blocking lists. Messages are also suppressed if the prefix (the portion of an email address before the @ symbol) for the contact exists on the organization's prefix blocking list or if the contact's domain exists in the Blocked Domain list for the system or organization.
- Suppressed %
- The number of suppressed addresses, which is shown as a percentage of Suppressed plus Sent messages.
- Text Gross Clicks
- The number of times contacts clicked a tracked hyperlink in a Text email. Included multiple clicks that are made by the same contact.
- Text Unique Clicks
- The number of contacts who clicked a tracked hyperlink in the Text body type email. Only one click is counted per contact.
- Total
- The combined total of all rates in that column.
- Total Bounces
- The total number of bounces, both soft and hard.
- Total Bounces %
- The total number of soft and hard bounces, which are shown as a percentage of messages sent.
- Total Contacts
- This is the total number of contacts that are eligible to be sent mail. This number represents all contacts in the database with a status of Opt-In or Snoozed.
- Total Snoozed
- This is the total number of contacts that are snoozed. This number represents all contacts in the database with a status of Snoozed.
- Total Visits
- The total number of all visitors to a site, New and Returning.
- Unique Clicks %
- The unique open divided by the number of emails received. The percentage can be calculated using the formula: Unique Clicks % = (Unique Clicks / Received) * 100.
- Unique Clicks
- The number of contacts who have clicked a tracked hyperlink in the email. Only one click is counted per contact.
- Unique Clickstreams
- The sequence of clicks that are performed by contact while browsing a marketer's Web site, typically in response to an email. Acoustic Campaign can track these clicks and utilize them for reporting and site analytics.
- Unique Conversions
- The number of times contacts have converted according to an action configured by the marketer to return a value to our system.
- Unique Conversions %
- The number of unique conversions as a percentage of the number of messages delivered.
- Unique Opens
- The number of contacts who have either viewed an email's images or clicked in the email. If the email client blocks the loading of images, the opens will not be tracked. However, we can still track an 'open' if you subsequently click a link in the email. Each open is counted only once per contact.
- Unique Opens %
- The number of unique opens as a percentage of the number of messages received. The percentage can be calculated using the formula: Unique Opens % = (Unique Opens / Received) * 100.
- Unique Visitors
- The number of contacts who have visited the site. Each visit is counted only once per contact.
- Value
- A calculated number that is assigned to a potential client's score.
- Visits
- Gross number of times at least one page was rendered for a unique IP.