When trying to set up a behavior query to pull contacts who have not opened any email, we are required to select a particular email. Is there a way to pull people who have or have not opened/clicked any emails?
Query's behavior query module currently does not have the option to pull open/click of any email, but the Classic Query does.
You would need to first set up an Automated Behavior Update under Organization Settings. Before assigning a database, you first need to create three new fields in your list to map to these columns in the Automated Behavior Updates section:
- Open Date Column
- Clicked Date Column
- Sent Date Column
The Last Open, Last Click, and Last Sent data will be rolled up nightly. When activated, the Automated Behavior Update process retrieves the last 30 days of activity and then populates the three fields accordingly. You can write a Classic Query to say include contacts who opened an email since xxxx date without having to specify specific emails.
Available criteria:
- Have Opened
- Have Clicked in a Mailing
- Have Bounced on a Mailing
Once Automated Behavior Update is turned on, it opens up the possibility to use New Query as well. This is because Open Date, Clicked Date and Sent Date will be populated with past history. So in New as well as Classic Query, you can do a statement with this logic Open Date is/is not empty. If somebody never opened an email, the Open Date field will be empty.