Suppression codes
The codes and descriptions used to indicate why a contact is suppressed.
Suppression code | Name | Description |
1 | Invalid System E-mail Domain | The domain section of the email address belongs to SPAM TRAPS domain, invalid domains and domains requested to be excluded by the domain owners. |
2 | Invalid Local System | The prefix section of the email address is identified as not usable for commercial purposes. |
3 | Global Suppression List | A contact is suppressed because they are a part the global suppression list which is different from the Master Suppression List in every organization. The global suppression list consists of recipients requested not to receive email from the email provider. |
4 | Organization Suppression | Includes email addresses from organization's master suppression list. These addresses are suppressed from all emails sent out of this organization. |
5 |
Invalid Organization Email Domain |
Includes email addresses whose domain is included in the organization list of blocked email domains. These addresses are suppressed from all emails sent from an organization. |
6 | Invalid Organization E-mail Local | Includes email addresses whose local prefix part is included in the organization list of blocked email prefixes. These addresses are suppressed from all the emails sent out of this organization. |
7 | Frequency Control | Suppression due to frequency control settings within organization settings. Email level frequency control overrides the organization level frequency control. Certain contacts will be suppressed because they've met their email quota for the day. |
8 | List Level Suppression | A suppression list of email addresses is part of the suppression list assigned to the database. These email addresses are suppressed from all the emails sent using the database to which the suppression list is attached. |
10 | Email Level Suppression | A suppression list of email addresses is attached to the email. |
11 | Duplicate Entry - Non-keyed list | A recipient of a non-keyed database (no unique identifier established) is scheduled to receive a message twice. One of the email addresses will be suppressed so that the contact only receives the email once. |
12 | Auto Ramp Up | Any volume that goes over the preset auto ramp up limit will be suppressed but not added to the Suppression List. |
Suppression details within the send experience
Suppression details display exactly how many contacts are being suppressed from the contact source and why.
You no longer need to find the reason a contact was suppressed, because Acoustic Campaign tells you the reason before an email is sent.
The Suppression Settings area is listed under Add Settings within the new send experience.
To see suppression details, select the Calculate button to display the number of excluded (suppressed) contacts. Acoustic Campaign displays exactly how many contacts are to be suppressed and provides a reason why.
Opted out column codes
When you export a database and include the 'Opted-Out' field in the export, there are four entries: U, T, F, and S.
- T stands for True and means the recipient opted out
- F stands for False and means the recipient is not opted out
- S stands for snoozed
- U stands for undeliverable