After you review the metrics, you can view the members of the campaign who received your email and view the specific metrics about any of them.
Complete the following steps to view the members of the campaign who received your email and view the specific metrics about any of them.
Review metrics
- Click the name of the campaign in the top right area of the page and access Leads, Contacts, or Campaigns.
- In the Recent Campaigns area, click the name of a campaign.
- Scroll down to the Campaign Members area and click the name of any member to review specific metrics and email behavior about each of the people listed.
- If you are already viewing the campaign metrics, you can still access the member list from the Acoustic Campaign Email Campaign Activity page by clicking the link to the right of Salesforce Campaign.
The behavior of specific campaign members
Read through the following section to understand the various methods that the Salesforce integration uses to share the sent email metrics with CRM.
- Acoustic Campaign Contact Insight - Visual force page added to the lead/contact page layouts within Salesforce by the Salesforce administrator.
- Acoustic Campaign Email Activities - The custom object that is populated with individual sent email metrics for synchronized lead/contacts.
Note: Activate the Lead email History to CRM and Contact email History to CRM.
- Acoustic Campaign Email Campaign Activities - The custom object that is populated with aggregate email metrics when the mail is initiated from one of the following methods:
- Marketers initiate an email within Campaign and select Create CRM Campaign.
Note: Activate Sent emails Create CRM Campaigns
- Sales initiate an email from a Salesforce campaign page to synchronized Leads/Contacts.
Email tracking for campaigns
After you send an email, you can begin tracking the message that is based on the Send options that you chose. Read through the following procedure to understand how you could track your emails for Campaigns.
Complete the following steps to track the emails for Campaigns.
- Navigate to > Campaign.
- Click the campaign name whose metrics you want to review and on the resulting page, scroll to the Acoustic Campaign Email Campaign Activities Review when the message was sent that includes the date and time, and, how many people it was sent to, the Open Rate, and the Clickthrough Rate.
For further details, click the campaign email name and on the Acoustic Campaign Email Campaign Activity Detail page, review more in-depth information about contact behavior in the Single Email Report. For example, you can review the overview of the performance trends and key metrics that are collected for Sent, Automated, or Campaign emails.
Email tracking for contacts
After you send an email, you can begin tracking the message that is based on the Send options that you chose. Read through the following procedure to understand how you could track your emails for Contacts.
Complete the following steps to track the emails for Contacts.
- Navigate to Contacts.
- Click the name of the lead on the resulting page and scroll to the Acoustic Campaign Email Activities
- From the list of messages that are sent, click any of the links in the Acoustic Campaign Email Name column to view specific, individual results of your emails.
Note: It might take several hours to receive information after a contact clicks a link or opens an email. You can also click the Edit or Del links to modify the details. However, be careful with the feature as it might permanently change the contact information, which can negatively skew your email results.
Email tracking for leads
After you send an email, you can begin tracking the message that is based on the Send options that you chose. Read through the following procedure to understand how you could track your emails for Leads.
Complete the following steps to track the emails for leads.
- Navigate to Leads.
- Click the name of the lead on the resulting page and scroll to the Acoustic Campaign Email Activities
- From the list of messages that are sent, click any of the links in the Acoustic Campaign Email Name column to view specific, individual results of your emails.
Note: It might take several hours to receive information after a contact clicks a link or opens an email. You can also click the Edit or Del links to modify the details. However, be careful with the feature as it might permanently change the contact information, which can negatively skew your email results.