There are several steps you must take to integrate WeatherFX with Acoustic Campaign. This integration requires actions by the Acoustic Campaign organization administrator, Acoustic Campaign Support, and The Weather Company.
Your organization admin needs to create a user specifically for the WeatherFX data integration.
- Go to Settings > User Accounts > Create User Account.
- Create a username, such as
- Enter a password and verify.
- Enter the name.
- Select the role.
- Set a notification email. Be sure to use as the "Notification Email" address under the "Contact" section header.
Next, your organization admin should provide WeatherFX with account access to the Acoustic Campaign account.
- In Acoustic Campaign, select Settings > Organization Settings.
- Select Application Account Access to expand the options.
- Click Add Account Access to add a new user.
- Select WeatherFX from the Application drop-down menu.
- Select your User Account or the user you are giving access.
- Add a Description of the user.
- Click Add.
- The user receives an email with the WeatherFX token.
Then, open a support case to request the setup of the integration. Provide the following information to Acoustic Campaign Support:
- Database name
- Database ID
- Pod number
- Database join option, either the zip code/postal code or city
- Account user
- Account user password
Support will review the support case and provide the Weather Company with the information needed for the integration. The Weather Company will review the case and set up a relational table and the flow of data to the Acoustic Campaign.
Support will then make a final review and confirm the WeatherFX setup with the Organization Administrator.