Integration settings include site analytics, real-time content settings, Acoustic Exchange, and Campaign integration. If you find that your integration append link in organization settings does not populate for all links, make sure that the domain list is separated by line and each line has no www. This will allow all the code to be applied to all hyperlinks when an email is sent out.
To see these settings, go to Integrations under Organization Settings. Click Edit to enable and configure site analytics, real-time content, and Acoustic Exchange.
Site analytics
With site analytics for your website, you can use integrations settings to add site analytics parameters, such as Google Analytics, Coremetrics, Adobe Target, Unica to email hyperlinks. Acoustic Campaign automatically appends the hyperlink append string to all of the links in the email.
Real-time content
You can also enable real-time content (RTC) and select your RTC provider here. Use real-time content to provide the most relevant content when a contact opens your email. You can build dynamic sections into your email messages that render content at the time of open.
Acoustic Exchange is a cloud-based service from that provides a way to selectively exchange event, audience, and identity data between various and client third-party marketing automation and analytics applications.
Campaign integration
Campaign integration settings include a check box for enabling the campaign, storing the base campaign URL, storing the campaign partition name, and the campaign user name.