Add an autoresponder to the reply handling domain
An organization administrator is the only user who can add an autoresponder to the reply handling domain.
To add an autoresponder to the reply handling domain, a template needs to be created. In the template, ensure that the reply domain to the automated message is not the same as the reply domain you are planning to automate it to. This is important to prevent looping of emails. Then, select an existing database or create a new database. The next step is to automate the template with a custom event.
In the Email Response Settings area, you then choose the domain on which you want to set the autoresponder, click Edit and then select Send Automated Response for Replies. Choose your newly automated email and then click Save.
To test the autoresponder, do not use only the word "test." Replies are evaluated by a word recognition engine that determines how to filter the reply, and if you use just the word "test," you might see issues in the handling of that reply. It's best to use a sentence similar to the replies that you expect contacts to use.
It is recommended to create a new database that is dedicated to the autoresponder, because anyone who is sent the message is added to that database. However, these contacts are not visible in the database and are not found in any searches or queries. If you or the recipient received the Autoresponder within the past 12 hours, you do not receive another. Reply Handling Autoresponders are limited to 1 message per 12 hours per email address.
Alter the settings of a query that is created by another user
Only an organization administrator can update the query settings for queries that another user created. Standard users do not have this ability.
Custom domains
If your account is set up with a custom domain, you might notice that your email links are still using the non-custom domain.
You can use the new custom domain for future emails at the organization level and at the database level.
- As an organization administrator, you can go to Domain Settings under Organization Settings. The domain that is listed as the default is the domain that is used for links. You can set the one you want as the default, and future sends have the custom domain.
- At the database level, you can set the custom domain for emails that are sent to that database. Open your database, go to the Fields tab, and click Settings. Under Full Domain, choose the custom domain from the menu and save.
Note: Past sent emails do not reflect these changes. Only emails after this change are affected. If you do not have a custom domain, contact support, or speak to your account representative.
Allow users to edit queries but not create one
By restricting a user to an empty folder in the databases area, you can prevent the user from creating a query, but allow the user to edit existing queries. The user can still access queries. However, when the user tries to create a query, the user cannot associate it to a database. The user cannot complete the process of creating a query.
Enable a user to add a contact source to an email template
To enable a user to add a contact source to an email template, an organization administrator must modify the user's permissions. To do this, the organization administrator will go to the User Permissions area and select the VMTA List access check box and then Save.
Frequency control
Frequency control ensures that your organization does not send too many emails to contacts.
The system administrator can view or modify the frequency controls for an organization and define whether to permit the organization administrator to override frequency controls for the organization.
At send time, Campaign checks how many messages were to each contact within the time period specified.
For example, suppose the frequency control is set to a maximum of five messages per contact in five days. At send time, Campaign checks how many messages were sent to a contact. If five messages were not sent to a contact, the message is sent. If five or more messages were sent to a contact, the message is not sent. Campaign suppresses that contact at send time with suppression reason code 7.
Frequency control is based on 24-hour time stamp intervals, not calendar date. For example, 1 email in the last 1 day means that the contact receives emails again after 24 hours pass.
If the contact received an email at 9 AM on Monday, emails sent after 9 AM on Tuesday are delivered. Emails sending at 8:59:59 AM or earlier on Tuesday are suppressed.
The same Org-level frequency control rules apply for all the settings.
- 1 email in the last 2 days = 48 hours must pass before a contact receives emails again.
- 1 email in the last 3 days = 72 hours must pass before a contact receives emails again.
- 1 email in the last 4 days = 96 hours must pass before contact receives emails again.
However, it is possible to override Org-level frequency at the email level before send time under Step 2 - Delivery Options.
Access database security settings
Database security settings apply to both the user interface and APIs. For each setting, you can define if it is allowed through the UI or/and through API.
UI stands for User Interface and means a user logs in to Campaign. If you tick the box to one of the actions, users who log in to Campaign have this permission.
API stands for application programming interface.
To access this setting, go to Security Settings which is found under Settings > Administration.
- Import Add - Add a new contact to this database with the import function.
- UI - Data - Import New
- API - ImportList - Action ADD_ONLY
- Import Update - Update an existing contact in this database with the import function.
- UI - Data - Import Update - Update Field Values in the Contact Source
- API - ImportList - Action UPDATE_ONLY
- Import OptOut - Opt out an existing contact in your database with the import function.
- UI - Data - Import Update - Opt Out Contacts
- API - ImportList - Action OPT_OUT
- Authentification for Contact Actions - Enabling this action in the organization's Security Settings overrides the setting for all contact sources in the org, including this one.
- Add Contact - A contact can be added in this database.
- UI - Database - Add Contact
- API - AddRecipient
- Update Contact - An existing contact can be updated in this database.
- UI - Database - click the contact and edit it (Tab Search).
- API - UpdateRecipient
- Delete Contact - An existing contact can be deleted in this database.
- UI - Database - tick the box next to the contact and click Remove Contacts (Tab Search).
- API - RemoveRecipient
- Opt Out Contact - A contact is OptedOut and depending on the Org settings added to a suppression list.
- UI - Database - Tick the box next to the contact and click Opt Out Contacts (Tab Search).
- API - OptOutRecipient
- Select Contact - Click a contact to retrieve information about this contact.
- UI - Database - Click a contact (Tab Search).
- API - SelectRecipientData
- List Export - Export contact data from a database. Campaign exports the results to a CSV file.
- UI - Database - Click Export in the Fields tab.
- API - ExportList
- List Delete - Delete the database.
- UI - Data - View Data - tick the box next to the database you want to delete and click Delete.
- API - no such function (only for Relational Tables)
- List Copy - Create a copy of an existing database.
- UI - Data - View Data - tick the box next to the database you want to create a copy and click Save As.
- API - No such function
- List Merge - Merge two databases into a new database, which then contains all contacts from the two databases.
- UI - Data - View Data - tick the box next to the databases you want to merge and click Merge.
- API - No such function
- List Purge - Delete all records from a database based on the contacts that exist in a database.
- UI - Data - View Data - tick the box next to the databases you want to merge and click Purge.
- API - PurgeData
- List Web Forms - View the Web Forms tab in this database and all associated web forms.
- UI - Tab Web Forms
- API - --
- List Set Values -Set field values on this database.
- UI - Tab Fields Set Field Values
- API - --
- List Values Report - Create a values report.
- UI - Tab Values
- API - --
- List Segmenting - View the Segment and segment a database.
- UI - Tab Fields - Button 'Segment'
- API - --
- Email Tracking Export - Export email tracking data from this database.
- UI - Export on the database
- API - RawRecipientDataExport
Note: An organization administrator has special user permissions that they can use if needed to access private resources either via UI or API calls.
Archived URL
The Archived URL section of Mail Settings is useful if you send an email and some recipients open the email long after it was sent.
In Email Settings under Organization Settings, the following settings appear.
- Archived Click to View URL
- Archived Forward URL
- Archived Opt Out URL
- Archived Opt In URL
- Archived Edit Preferences URL
- Archived Other URL
Campaign archives the email after 450 days by default. If a recipient clicks the URL of an archived email, the links no longer work. But if you put a URL in these settings, the recipient is forwarded to the specified URL.
Change of email address option in email response settings
Campaign does not automatically update email addresses in your database. In your email response settings, you can forward the change of address request to an email address of your choice. You can then update the old record in your database with the new email address.
Standard users unable to remove contacts
If you want standard users to be able to remove contacts, consider two settings, one on the organization level (the default), and the individual settings on each database.
- Org Level - As an organization administrator, you can go to Security Settings, expand Contact Source Management Restrictions, and then ensure that the check box next to Delete Contact in the UI column is enabled. This is now the organization default.
- List Level - You can go to the Database Summary screen for any database and in the Fields tab, click Settings. Go to the Security Settings tab and check the Delete Contact option on the UI column.
View recurring jobs created by another user
An organization administrator is the only user who can view recurring jobs created by other users within the same organization.
Find emails that are scheduled by all users
An organization administrator is the only user who can see all the scheduled emails. This information can be found in Scheduled under Content from the main menu.
View all data jobs
The organization administrator is the only user who can see all data jobs.
If you are an organization administrator, you can go to All Data Jobs under Settings to view all the data jobs in your account for the past 14 days.
Removing a domain from the Email Blocking system domains list
It is not possible to remove a domain from the Systems Domain tab of Email Blocking. Owners of the domains on the System Domains list more than likely requested that Campaign no longer send them emails. A domain can be removed from this list only if an organization gives permission to start sending to them.
Switch or disable the principal organization administrator account?
To disable a principal organization administrator user account in Campaign, you must first set up another user account as the principal organization administrator.
Find another organization administrator and click Make Principal under Actions column. When the user is no longer the Principal organization administrator, you can disable that user.
You can recognize the Principal organization administrator by the following icons.
- P - Principal
- A - Administrator
The principal organization administrator is the main point of contact who is notified regarding system alerts or changes in the organization.
Restricting user permissions for programs
At this time, you cannot restrict access to programs access via folders. You can disable standard user access to programs through User Permissions.