In the following sequence, you can review the list of steps required to enable and configure session attribute search, including links to topics within this section.
- Configure session attributes: Before you begin using session attribute search, you should verify that you have configured all of the session attributes on which you would like to search.
- Configure cxReveal session timeout: By default, cxReveal sessions time out in 60 minutes. You can change this setting.
- Configure search templates: Database search requires a different type of search
template and session list template.
- Configure cxReveal search templates.
- Configure session list templates.
- Configure Events: As part of this configuration, events must be configured to be sent via the Event Bus to the cxReveal server(s).
- Enable and configure cxReveal capture: Session attribute search requires a dedicated pipeline on a separate machine to capture session attributes for insertion into the cxReveal database.
- Enable Event Bus: On each Processing Server that is submitting sessions for capture to the Search database, the Event Bus must be enabled, deployed, and configured to send session attribute information to the appropriate cxReveal Server.
- Testing: After you have configured the session agent, pipeline, and Portal objects, you can test the capture and database population of session attributes by performing a search of them.