Changing a search field to a different session attribute changes the available data and may break existing cxReveal search templates. Configure these search fields and search templates during initial implementation and do not change them.
- From the Portal menu, select Configure > Event Manager.
- Click the Session Attributes tab.
- The list of available session attributes is displayed. Session attributes are sorted by their display Name by default.
- To review the definition of any session attribute, double-click it.The Edit Session Attribute window is displayed.
- The source of the session attribute data is listed next to Populated By.
- In the session attribute definition, you can define whether the session attribute is tracked or searchable. These settings determine whether the session attribute is available for use in cxReveal database searches.
Setting Description Tracked in cxReveal DB
When this option is selected, the session attribute is tracked in the cxReveal database. Up to 32 session attributes can be tracked in the database at any time. When a session attribute is selected for tracking, data is captured and inserted in to the cxReveal database. Data is not searchable unless you configure it to be searchable in the database using the following setting. Searchable in cxReveal DB
When this option is selected, the session attribute is searchable in the cxReveal database using a cxReveal search template. Up to 5 session attributes can be tracked in the database at any time. A searchable session attribute must also be tracked. When a session attribute is selected for searching and tracking, data is captured and inserted in to the cxReveal database, and you may use search templates configured to search for the tracked attribute to locate sessions from that point onward. - If you make changes, click Save Draft to save them.
- To commit any changes made to session attributes, click Save Changes.