The Attribute Indexing session agent can be deployed to retrieve session attribute information from Tealeaf event data and to insert that content into the cxReveal database (TL_SEARCH
This session agent is deployed in a Windows™ pipeline that receives event data through the Event Bus enabled and configured on each Processing Server in the environment.
Available through cxReveal, the cxReveal database enables Tealeaf users to quickly locate sessions in any state of capture and processing by searching for session attributes.
Session attributes may be specified as soon as the first hit is evaluated in the Windows pipeline. For example, the value for the login identifier is typically set to populate the SessionAttribute00
attribute as soon as the visitor logs into the web application. When the first session attribute is detected by the session agent, a new record for the session is inserted into the cxReveal database.
This database record can be immediately queried and retrieved through Portal search by cxReveal users, which enables them to quickly locate visitor sessions as needed. Because these visitor records are stored in a single SQL Server database, search and retrieval of visitor information is very fast.