The topics in this section describe how to configure the cxReveal server and pipeline for capture of session attributes. To enable the end-to-end solution for session attribute capture, search, and replay, additional configuration is required in the Portal.
Note: The Attribute Indexing session agent should not be deployed in a Windows™ pipeline where other processing occurs. This session agent requires
a dedicated Windows pipeline and a separate cxReveal server.
Before you begin, you should review the other configuration steps.
- cxImpact: The attribute indexing session agent is available through cxImpact.
- cxConnect for Data Analysis: The capture of session attribute information from each Canister requires the use of the Event Bus to send events to the designated pipeline for capture.
- cxReveal: The cxReveal database is a
component of cxReveal.
- cxReveal requires a separate installation on each cxReveal server.
- Enabling session attribute search requires additional configuration.
Before you begin, the Transport Service and the cxReveal database must be installed on each cxReveal server.
The cxReveal database can be installed separately on the same system using the Database Manager.