The following scenarios describe common ways to install Tealeaf databases. Depending on the available database permissions and the location of the SQL Server installation, you might be able to use one of the following sequences to complete the database installation process.
Before you begin, review the database prerequisites.
These scenarios apply to fresh installations of the Tealeaf databases.
Creating databases with new names
When you install Acoustic™ Tealeaf you can change the names of the Tealeaf databases before data populates them but not after data is migrated into them or after the system begins to populate them.
Before you install Tealeaf, you can rename the databases.
- Complete the installation, but don't create the databases as part of the process.
- When installation is complete, start the Tealeaf Database Manager (TDM).
- In the TDM menu, select Mode > Info/Config > Report Server Configuration.
- Switch to the Database page.
- Modify the database names as necessary.
- Click OK.
- Now, use the Tealeaf Database Manager to create the databases.
- When installed, the databases have the names that you specified.
Scenario 1: Installing with full SQL Server admin permissions
Follow this procedure to install your Acoustic Tealeaf database with all required permissions and with default values.
- Start Tealeaf Database Manager:
- In the menu, select Mode > Database Setup > All Databases.
- From the Action drop-down, select
. - From the page list, select Filegroups > General.
- Verify that the specified file paths are correct and exist on the remote server hosting the databases or storage.
If the database server or storage is on a remote server, the specified paths must exist on that server.
- Click OK.
- All databases are installed.
- After the operation completes, review the output window.
In the Failed Statements pane, verify that all statements ran successfully.
Scenario 2: Installing databases without full SQL Server permissions
You can install Acoustic Tealeaf databases as the TLADMIN
user or as a customer user with the same permissions.
Follow these steps when full installation permissions are not available to the current user. Permissions must be granted to Tealeaf database users.
The file paths in the file for each database must be edited.
You might need to review the size that is allocated for each file.
- Before running the Database Manager, someone with SA access must run the database creation scripts for any new databases. These scripts create the empty databases and users on SQL Server and are provided in the following directory:
- Start the Database Manager:
- In the Connection window, verify that the correct host and port values are entered. You must connect using Tealeaf authentication.
- Click Connect.
- Complete one of the following sequences, depending on how you are installing the databases.
Note: When installing or upgrading in Tealeaf authentication mode, some individual commands might fail. You can ignore the failure messages if the Database Manager reports a successful installation or upgrade.
- All Databases Mode Install/Upgrade:
- In the menu, select Mode > Database Setup > All Databases.
- In the Action drop-down, select
for an installation. - In the DB Creation menu, clear
Create Databases
, which prevents Database Manager from attempting to create the databases or users and from attempting to grant permissions to these users on SQL Server. - Click OK.
- After the operation completes, review the output window. In the Failed Statements pane, verify that all statements ran successfully.
- Close the output window.
- Single Database Mode Install/Upgrade:
- In the menu, select Mode > Database Setup > Single Database.
- Select the Action and Database Type, and set any necessary options.
- In the DB Creation menu, deselect
Create Databases
, which prevents the Database Manager from attempting to create the databases or users and from attempting to grant permissions to these users on SQL Server. - Click OK.
- After the operation completes, review the output window. In the Failed Statements pane, verify that all statements ran successfully.
- Close the output window.
- All Databases Mode Install/Upgrade:
- Post-Install/Upgrade Steps:
- In the menu, select Mode > Database Users > Permissions Scripts.
- In the Output Location field, enter the location and file name where you want to store the output scripts.
- Click OK. An SQL script containing all of the necessary permission grant statements is generated in the output location.
- Access the scripts in the directory you selected.
- Have the DBA or person with SA access run the scripts.
- Acoustic Tealeaf Authentication: If you are running these steps using Tealeaf authentication, you must perform the following steps now to configure the System database:
- In the menu, select Mode > Database Setup > Single Database.
- From the Database drop-down, select
. - From the Action drop-down, select
. - For the Command File, navigate to the following directory:
- Depending on the products you licensed, the following files appear in the directory. You must run each of the following schema upgrades for the databases of the products you installed.
- Tealeaf CX:
- Tealeaf cxReveal:
- Tealeaf CX:
- Depending on the products you licensed, the following files appear in the directory. You must run each of the following schema upgrades for the databases of the products you installed.
- Click OK.
- After the operation completes, review the output window. In the Failed Statements pane, verify that all statements ran successfully.
Scenario 3: Installing Acoustic Tealeaf databases one at a time
If needed, you can use the Database Manager to install Acoustic Tealeaf databases one at a time.
If you are installing all databases now, install them in a specific order.
When you create the individual databases, create the System database first, then the Reports database. If you create or upgrade all databases through the Acoustic Tealeaf installer, upgrader, or database manager, these steps are performed in the proper order for you. If you install or upgrade databases manually, you must manage these steps.
Scenario 4: Pre-allocating the databases during Installation
If needed, you can configure the Database Manager to pre-allocate one or all Acoustic Tealeaf databases during the installation process. After the pre-allocation is completed, you can complete installation, upgrade, or other operations as needed.
- If the databases did not exist, you can use the following steps to install the databases by a script.
- Locate the scripts that are provided in the following directory:
- Make the following edits to the scripts:
- Edit them to use the correct file paths.
- Edit them if you are using custom databases names.
- Through SQL Server Management Studio, the DBA must use the scripts to create the empty databases.
- Locate the scripts that are provided in the following directory:
- Start the Database Manager:
- In the Connection window, verify that the correct host and port values are entered.
Note: You must connect using Tealeaf Authentication.
- Click Connect.
- Under the DB Creation menu, clear the Create Databases option.
- When the installation is run, the Database Manager skips the database creation step and assumes that they exist.
- Install the databases individually or all together.