Registering the Tealeaf endpoint with Exchange requires that you run a Tealeaf script that completes the endpoint registration that you started when you generated the authentication key.
Confirm the following:
- TLS 1.2 security has been enabled at the operating system level on the server.
- Port 443 has been opened in your firewall to allow Tealeaf to communicate with Exchange.
- You have unrestricted Powershell script execution rights.
- The file contains the authentication key generated in Exchange when you began the endpoint registration.
- In your Tealeaf installation, go to the UBXTools folder.
- In a Powershell window, run
. You cannot run the script with a right-click.Keep the Powershell window open until you confirm that the script executed successfully and that the endpoint is active in Exchange. Any confirmations or errors appear only in the Powershell window. If you close the window, you lose the message.
The script calls Exchange using the authentication key, registers Tealeaf as an endpoint in Exchange, and declares the event types and attributes that will be available for subscription.
- Open the Endpoints tab in Exchange. Refresh the Endpoints tab and confirm that the status of the Tealeaf endpoint is Active.