After you complete the steps and verify that Acoustic Tealeaf
Upgrade to latest version of UI Capture separately
Avoid upgrading UI Capture and Acoustic Tealeaf CX components at the same time. Asynchronous upgrades can help you debug any issues. Upgrade to UI Capture after you complete all upgrades of your other Tealeaf products.
Tealeaf UI Capture is a component of the Tealeaf CX license. When deployed with your web application, UI Capture enables the capture and processing of user interface events that occur on the client browser, which enables high fidelity replay and additional reports on client-side metrics.
Note: If you deployed the Tealeaf CX UI Capture for AJAX library to your web application, upgrade to the latest version as part of your overall upgrade procedure. Depending on how UI Capture is implemented and deployed with your web application, this process might require significant lead time to complete.
Note: You must upgrade Tealeaf CX UI Capture for AJAX to the latest version if you licensed Tealeaf CX Mobile to replay mobile sessions.
Upgrading cxReveal database
Acoustic Tealeaf cxReveal now includes a separate database and Windows pipeline to enable search for sessions based on session attributes.
When you upgrade Tealeaf cxImpact, cxReveal can be upgraded at the same time.
Note: To enable the Tealeaf cxReveal database and Windows pipeline, separate installation and configuration is required after you have upgraded Acoustic Tealeaf cxImpact.
Upgrade RTV
The Acoustic Tealeaf CX RealiTea Viewer (RTV) stand-alone application enables Tealeaf users to replay sessions from the Windows desktop.
Tealeaf CX RealiTea Viewer installations on Tealeaf servers are automatically upgraded when the other Tealeaf software is upgraded on the system.
Note: All RTV users should upgrade their desktop installations to the RTV version provided with the upgrade distribution. This upgrade process should be coordinated to occur near the core upgrade.
The CX RealiTea Viewer requires a separate installation and upgrade for each desktop on which it is installed in your environment.
Note: As part of your upgrade, you may be required to apply changes to the Tealeaf.js
stub file used by RTV.
Note: It is important to upgrade the Tealeaf.js