To manage endpoints across an entire user account, Exchange provides APIs that can be called at the account level. The account level APIs require account-level access credentials.
Action | API |
Register a specified endpoint. Requires account level authorization. | PUT /v1/endpoint/{endpointId} |
Delete a specific endpoint. | DELETE /v1/endpoint/{endpointId} |
Get the details of a specified segment within a specified endpoint. | GET /v1/endpoint/{endpointId}/segments/{segmentId} |
Get a list of registered endpoints for an account, selected by various characteristics. | GET /v1/endpoint |
Start a job to export a specified segment from a specified source endpoint to a specified destination endpoint. | POST /v1/jobs/segmentExport |
Schedule a job to upload identity data in bulk to the Exchange Identity Store. | POST /v1/jobs/identityImport |