Creating a custom endpoint requires calling Acoustic Exchange public endpoint APIs that are different from the v1/application APIs that you call to create and provision endpoints as Acoustic Exchange applications. You call the endpoint APIs separately for each Acoustic Exchange user that registers your endpoint as a custom endpoint.
To register your business solution as a custom endpoint requires that you call the v1/endpoint and v1/endpointattributes APIs.
You must individually define the endpoint for each Acoustic Exchange user that registers your business solution in Acoustic Exchange. This means that you must call v1/endpoint and v1/endpointattributes for each request. If you make changes to the endpoint, for example, to support a new identifier in the audience data, you must update each registered endpoint individually.
The following diagram illustrates the endpoint characteristics that you must define when you call the v1/endpoint and v1/endpointattributes APIs.
Register an endpoint on behalf of a Acoustic Exchange user. In the case of a custom endpoint, the user must provide you with the authentication key that the user-generated in Acoustic Exchange.
Call PUT <base URL>/v1/endpoint to register the endpoint. This API organizes properties in several sections to define the endpoint characteristics.
Acoustic Exchange users request your endpoint for use by their Acoustic Exchange user account. You must include the authentication key that is provided by the Acoustic Exchange user in each API call to Acoustic Exchange.
See PUT /v1/endpoint.
Identify and describe the endpoint.
Provide information that Acoustic Exchange requires to identify the endpoint and display it in the Acoustic Exchange user interface.
Include the endpoint name, endpoint provider name, global URL for the endpoint, and the hashing algorithm that you use to obscure sensitive data.
Enable event and audience sources and destinations.
You must enable the endpoint as a source and destination for events and audiences, depending what the endpoint can produce or consume.
For audience endpoints indicate whether the endpoint syndicates audience data as a push type or pull type of endpoint.
For audience endpoints, identify a marketing database.
Describe the source and schema of the source for identity lookup data for events and audiences.
You can define one or more attributes that relate to a specific individual. You must specify the name of the identifier and the type of data that the identifier provides. Over time, Acoustic Exchange merges identity records of the same type for the same individual to provide a detailed view of the customer in multiple contexts.
Specify audience attributes.
Define or more attributes that describe at least some of the individuals that are present in the audience data.
Define secure endpoint access.
Call PUT <base URL>/v1/endpointattributes to provide Acoustic Exchange with authentication credentials and connection information that Acoustic Exchange can use to construct secure, automatic connections to endpoints.
The user-generated authentication key is required as a URL parameter and as the authorization bearer in the header of the call.
Ready for use.
The requesting Acoustic Exchange user sees the endpoint status change from Pending to Active.