To enable Exchange to communicate automatically with endpoints that impose specific connection and authentication requirements, Acoustic provides the v1/endpointattributes API to supply the required credentials. Call this API to provide Exchange with the information it needs to construct secure connections to endpoints.
Register the endpoint by calling PUT v1/endpoint.
Note the authentication key that you received from the Exchange user. The authentication key is provided in the header of the call to PUT v1/endpoint to register the endpoint.
Some source or destination endpoints require specific authentication credentials and connection information to allow Exchange to exchange information with the endpoint application. Endpoints that require an authenticated connection must call v1/endpointattributes to provide Exchange with the connection and login information. Exchange uses the information it receives to properly form a secure connection to the endpoint without the need for human intervention.
The call to v1/endpointattributes provides the endpoint authentication and connection information as attributes in the JSON payload of the API request. The specific attributes and values that the call provides depend on the requirements of each endpoint.
Calling v1/endpointattributes requires the authentication key that was used to register the endpoint with Exchange. The authentication key is unique to the endpoint and the specific Exchange account that requested that the endpoint registration. The authentication key is required in the URL of the call and as the authorization bearer in the header of the call.
The call to v1/endpointattributes is made as a PUT call. The PUT call is used to add new endpoint connection and authentication attributes and to update existing attributes. Calling v1/endpointattributes more than once overwrites information that was provided by the previous call.
Exchange retrieves the information that you provide in calls to v1/endpoint attributes nightly. As a result, Exchange cannot construct an automated connection to an endpoint immediately after you call v1/endpoint. You must wait until the following day to verify that Exchange can automatically construct a secure connection to the endpoint.
Call the v1/endpointattributes API. For details about the API, see PUT /v1/endpointattributes.
- In the header of the call, use the authentication key that you used as the authentication bearer in the call to v1/endpoint as the authentication bearer in the call to v1/endpointattributes.
- Direct the API call to:
/v1/endpointattributes/authkey/"<account authentication key>
- Specify the connection and access details as attributes in the JSON payload of the request. For example:
The attribute names and values depend on the specific access and connection requirements of the endpoint.