Acoustic Exchange provides an integration with Amazon S3 as an audience consumer to share data with any application in the Acoustic Exchange ecosystem.
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object storage service that offers scalability, data availability, security, and performance. This means Amazon S3 customers can store and protect any amount of data for a range of use cases, such as websites, mobile applications, backup and restore, archive, enterprise applications, IoT devices, and big data analytics. When it is combined with Acoustic Exchange and the Acoustic Exchange Ecosystem, any number of business uses cases can be addressed. For example, you could store customer relationship management data in Amazon S3 and share that data through Acoustic Exchange to an analytics platform to gain insight on those interactions.
Integration process overview
The integration between Acoustic Exchange and Amazon S3 is a multi-step process that is composed of:
- Configuring your Amazon S3 bucket for the integration
- Consuming audience data into the bucket.
- Registering the Amazon S3 endpoint in Exchange
- Subscribing to an audience
Follow the steps listed in this guide to walk through and enable the Acoustic Exchange and Amazon S3 integration.
Acoustic Exchange
- You must have an Acoustic Exchange account.
- You must be a licensed user of an Acoustic Exchange or an Acoustic Exchange Business Partner solution.
Amazon S3
Ensure that you have a Amazon S3 account and that you have configured your account according to Amazon S3 requirements and your business needs.
1. Configure your Amazon S3 bucket
For this integration, it is best practice to create a new bucket. Note: When you create your bucket, make special note of the Service Location, Bucket Name, Access key, and Secret key. You will need these later when you register the Amazon S3 endpoint in Acoustic Exchange. To create and configure your Amazon S3 bucket:
- Navigate to your instance of Amazon S3 and log in.
- Click Create bucket.
- Enter a bucket name and select the Region.
For more information on creating buckets in Amazon S3, see Create a Bucket.
- Create a new Amazon Web Service (AWS) user for the bucket using Amazon IAM. This user acts as a surrogate for Acoustic Exchange and will provide Acoustic Exchange with the read, write, and programmatic permissions necessary for the integration. For more information about creating a new AWS user, see How do I create an AWS access key?.
- Copy and save the user's Secret Key. This key is only displayed once and cannot be retrieved after the display window is closed in AWS. You will need this key later in the integration.
- Copy and save the user's Access Key. You will need this key later in the integration.
2. Consuming audience data into the bucket
Now that you've created a bucket, name the file that is going into the bucket. (CSV files only.)
Example of a CSV file:
3. Register your endpoint
To exchange data from Amazon S3 through Acoustic Exchange, you must register Amazon S3 as an endpoint with Acoustic Exchange for use in your Acoustic Exchange account. You must have a valid license and access credentials for products and solutions that you register.
Register the Amazon S3 endpoint with the endpoint registration wizard on the Endpoints tab or through the navigation menu.
Amazon S3 can deploy business solutions on one or more servers or data centers. You must specify a deployment when you register Amazon S3 as an Acoustic Exchange endpoint for your account.
Use the registration wizard to provide required address and credential information about your organization and Acoustic Exchange account.
Acoustic Exchange accepts the address and credential information as permission from you that the endpoint provider can interact with Acoustic Exchange on your behalf. In turn, the endpoint provider requires credentials from you as permission that Acoustic Exchange can interact with the endpoint on your behalf. During the registration process, you must provide the user credentials that the endpoint provider requires.
- On the Endpoints tab in Acoustic Exchange, select Register new endpoint.
- Select Amazon S3 Cloud Storage - Audience Consumer as the endpoint that you want to register and click Next.
- Provide the information that the endpoint provider requires as part of the registration request. To register the endpoint your will need to provide your:
- Deployment
- Service location
Your service location is the name code associated with the Region name of your bucket. For example, the Region name "US East (N. Virginia)" has a name code of "us-east-1". You would enter "us-east-1" as your service location. For more information about Region names, see AWS Regions and Endpoints.
- Bucket name
- Access key
- Secret key
- Mapping file name
- Optional: If your business needs require it, enter an Endpoint alias for your endpoint.
An endpoint alias is a designation that differentiates one endpoint from another. Defining an endpoint alias is useful in cases where you have multiple endpoints with the same configuration but have different purposes. If you do not define an endpoint alias, one is generated for you.
- Optional: Enter a description for the endpoint.
By entering a description for the endpoint, you can provide better insight to the purpose or goal of the endpoint. Again, this is useful when you have multiple endpoints of similar configuration, but different purpose. If you do not define an endpoint description, then Acoustic Exchange uses the default endpoint description.
- Click Register.
If you entered registration information into the registration wizard, Acoustic Exchange transmits the information to the endpoint provider so that the provider can complete the registration. The endpoint displays on the Endpoints tab as Pending. When Acoustic Exchange and the endpoint provider completes the registration, the endpoint status changes to Active.
Note: If the registration did not complete successfully, the endpoint status is Failed. Contact Acoustic Exchange Support for assistance.
4. Subscribe
Subscribe to an audience consumer endpoint. Select identifiers and share audiences.