Analytics lets you view your email performance broken out by the contact's profile data, giving you the most in-depth view of what impacts your email's success.
Analytics reports analyze the market segments. They arrange market targets from multiple email results to multiple databases. Reports analyze market segments through contact profiles and response data to analyze trends. Targeted segments categorize database contacts by age, gender, or preference criteria and look at associated responses to emails.
Analytics Reports is a powerful tool that requires the following:
- Segment Groups
- Report Templates
- Generation of the Report
Segment Groups are groups that use multiple databases in report templates. Segment groups specify the data to include in customized reports. The data is pulled from the database selected for a report. However, the group consists of two or more individual segments. You can create one for each field and display only the field you want in the report. Individual segments specify the data (values) accumulated in database fields. For example, suppose you have several databases that contain Gender and Product Type fields. In that case, you can use segment groups in one report to show product selections for females and another report to show product selections for males, or both together. For example, report 1 would show the number of males who purchased each of SUVs, pickups, and sedans, and Report 2 would show the number of females who purchased each of SUVs, pickups, and sedans.
Segment groups are often used to investigate trends, which are not always database-specific but recognized across several databases, by using many reports.
The data in the report can be viewed in the following ways:
- Update Report Data
- Adds the most recent database data to the report.
- Change Fields
- Selects the fields to include in the report from fields included in the report's template.
- Change Metrics
- Selects metrics to include in the report from metrics included in the report's template.
- Target Segment
- Changes to one of the other available target segments for the report.
- Table View or Cross-tab
- Select the view that displays the data the way you want.
Managing analytics reports
You can learn to use analytics reports to create and manage segment groups, use report templates, and generate reports.
Creating analytics report
Analytics reports display the email results based on Segment Groups' database data. Specifically, these reports allow breakdown or group report data into categories of your choice, allowing you to view email performance within targeted audience segment groups.
Before you begin, create a report template.
Complete the following steps to create an analytics report:
- Then, click on Analytics in the Reports (classic) section of the left sidebar.
- If you've created any Analytics Reports in the past, you will see them here.
- Click the Create Reports button to start a new report.
Saving analytics report
Follow these steps to save an analytics report.
- Open the Analytics from Reports (classic).
- Click a report name in the list of reports. The report opens.
- Check the box next to the segment name to save only the data in a segment. To save the entire report, do not check a box.
- Click Save a Copy.
- The new report is available at Mailings > Single Mailing Reports > (click the report by name) > Saved Reports tab.
Note: To get the latest database data included in the report, click Update Report Data before saving.
Viewing analytics report
Follow these steps to view an Analytics Report:
- Open Analytics Reports from Reports.
- Click the link Create and Manage Report Templates. A list of reports appears.
- Click the report name to view the report.
Deleting analytics report
To delete an Analytic Report, ensure you are logged in as the creator. Then, if necessary, you can use the become user function when using an org admin account.
Go to Reports > Reports (Classic) > Analytics.
Once the main Analytics Report page has loaded, you will see a list of your activity reports.
Before deleting any of these, you must delete all report templates. Then, click the link: Step 2: Create and Manage Report Templates above the report list.
Once completed, you can select and delete any report templates. For example, you can use the breadcrumb: Back to: Analytics Reports at the top of the screen. You should now be able to delete the relevant Analytics Reports.
Note: If you receive the error: Unable to delete: Group "[Analytic Report Name]" is used in a report or template, you will need to check if the report group in question is listed and viewable. If not, it might be in the private folder of one of your user accounts. If the user account is listed in the Created By column, then you can become that user and delete the report template or report.
Contact support for further assistance if you need help determining the user.