Use the Comparison Reports when testing emails with slight differences, such as different subject lines, page themes, link styles, or other elements. Study these results to determine which emails are successful and exciting to your contacts. The default page is a summary screen for all contacts, but you can view different reports by clicking Update after selecting a contact group and report type from the drop-down lists.
Email summary data is displayed in the following formats: a delivery information chart, a tracking chart, an advanced tracking chart, and an email responses chart.
You can view the Basic Results, Message Activity, and Delivery Info-related information from the Comparison Mailing Report.
Access a Classic Comparison Mailing Report
- In the Reports, open Comparison Mailing Report.
- Select the Mailings to compare.
- Click Add to Comparison Report.
- Click Create Comparison Report.
When the report is generated, you are presented with three tabs: Basic Results, Message Activity, and Delivery Info.
Basic Results
- Mailings - Click the mailing name to drill down into the mailing's Single Mailing Report.
- Open Rate - Compares the Open Rates.
- Click-Through Rate - Compares the Click Through rate.
- Forwarded Rate - Compares emails that were forwarded.
- Subscribed Rate - Compares emails that resulted in an Opt-In.
- Unsubscribed Rate - Compares emails that resulted in an Opt-Out.
Message Activity
- Mailings - Compares Sent and Tracking data.
- Played Media Rate - Compares video or audio plays of each email.
- Downloaded Attachment Rate - Compares the number of attachment downloads.
- Visited Webpage Rate - Compares landing page visits.
- Converted - Compares Conversions.
Delivery Info
- Soft Bounced Rate - Compares soft bounce.
- Hard Bounced Rate - Compares hard bounces.
- Total Bounced Rate - Compares total hard and soft bounces.
Access the Web Sites Comparison Report - Site
- In the Reports, open Comparison Reports - Site.
- Select your Private or Shared folder and click the Site Name to add Sites to Compare.
- Click Run Report.
- The report displays metrics for New Visits, Returning Visits, and the Latest Visits.