Opens and clicks are of particular interest to marketers. Understanding the percentages that are related to opens and clicks presented across reporting is important to grasp, especially as they can vary based on reporting location.
The summary for both the standard single mailing report and the classic single mailing report uses different formulas.
Classic single mailing report summary:
- unique opens % = (Unique opens / Received) * 100
- unique clicks % = (Unique clicks / Received) * 100
Single mailing report summary:
In the tracking range section of a standard single mailing report, clicks are calculated against opens for that day by using the following formula:
- unique clicks % = (Unique Clicks / Unique Open) * 100
Unique Opens however is calculated directly against the Delivered Metric and uses the following formula:
- unique Opens % = (Unique Opens / Delivered) * 100
Clickthrough map - also referred to as a heat map:
This map is calculated differently. First, it looks only at the total gross clicks for HTML email actions.
The formula is as follows:
- (clicks for specific link / total HTML Gross Clicks) * 100
Regarding the averages that are mentioned at the top of the heat map reports, use the total HTML gross clicks value and divide it by the number of links within the email to derive the average baseline.