Follow these steps to resend emails to soft-bounced contacts.
- In Reports open the Single Mailing Report.
- Click the name of the email that you want to resend and click Export Tracking Data.
- Select Soft Bounces and click Continue.
- Select the fields that you want to include and click Continue.
- Click Export Results.
The data job starts and exports all the tracking data that you selected.
- When the data job completes, go to Content > Stored Files > Private > Export Files folder.
- Select the file that you created and click download.
- Enter your password.
After you download the CSV file that contains the soft bounces from your email, you have the following two options:
- Create a contact list of your database by using Import/Update. You create a contact list that you can use to resend an email to the bounced contacts. Since you created a new contact list, it is treated as a new send, so reporting is found in new reports.
- Create a database by importing the CSV. This new database contains new reporting metrics for each contact.