Contact insight provides you with a summary view of a contact's marketing history. This includes, scores, behaviors and automated program participation.
Access contact insight
- Go to Data.
- Select a database.
- Click the Search tab to select an email address.
- When the Edit contact page opens, click View contact Insight to go to the Contact insight page.
Contact insight in Acoustic Campaign
Search for a contact in your database and click the contact's email name. On the Edit Contact page within Acoustic Campaign, you can quickly view your contact's lead rank, score and the number of programs the contact is participating in within your CRM or leads database (scoring and ranking must be activated). Additionally, you can view the same version of contact insight, currently available in app exchange, within Acoustic Campaign by clicking the View contact insight button.
View all actions
A contact insight user can view a list of historical mailings and web tracked events for a contact. This feature provides an up-to-date and historical look at the emails that have been sent to or opened by your contact, or web tracking events up to the number of days allowed by your organization's retention settings. Org admins can go to Archive Settings to view retention settings.
Note: Acoustic Campaign administrators set certain retention periods, such as the anonymous and attributable web tracking data retention periods. These settings override any organization-level retention settings. So, if your organization wants to view a longer history, your org admin should contact Acoustic Campaign to discuss your options.
Click the View all actions link below the actions panel on the main page of contact insight to see the actions performed by a contact.
- Actions include events triggered on your emails, web-tracked sites, and landing pages by your contact.
- Actions can be sorted by event type, action name, and action date.
- Actions that are the result of activity on your tracked web sites, landing pages, and forms provide the action or event with the event description, which you can click to see the web page or landing page where the action was triggered by your contact. At the site, you can also click to the tracked web site or landing page site containing the page where the event was fired.
- Access to key web site, landing page, and email activity information for your contact including:
- View the web page that a contact viewed after clicking a link in your email.
- Clicked link in an email event: The Mailing click link event in the Contact insight actions and View all actions panel provides insight about the following types of links clicked by a message recipient:
- Tracked hyperlinks: Displays the link name with a hyperlink to the link's target URL, a reference to the email, and a link to view the email that contained the hyperlink.
- Click stream links: Displays the link name with a hyperlink to the link's target URL—such as a download of a white paper—a reference to the email, and a link to view the email that contained the link.
- Share to social clicks: Displays the name of the social network, a reference to the email, and a link to view the email the contact shared.
Site visit history
For specific site visit events, you can use the Site visit history window within Contact insight actions and View all actions, to view important information regarding how your contact was referred to your tracked web site or landing page. The Site visit history window also provides key web site interaction details such as, Site visited, Length of stay, Number of pages viewed (includes a full-path listing of pages viewed and the time of the last view of each page), Page name, and URL (clickable).
Referrals are listed as:
- Direct (typed or bookmarked entries)
- Search engine (,,, and so on); also includes keyword.
- Social network ( and so on)
- Referring domain and/or email.
Note: Referrals are also clickable so a Contact insight user can view the email, web page, search engine, or web site that referred the contact to your tracked web site or landing page.
View all messages
Email and SMS messages View All Messages is located below the messages panel in contact insight. This feature provides an up-to-date and historical look at the emails and SMS messages that have been sent to or opened by your contact up to the number of days allowed by your organization's retention settings (Org Admins can go to Archive Settings on the Organization Settings page to view retention settings).
You can sort emails by Sent/Opened, Mailing Subject, Sent Date and Open Date, which allows you to easily identify key messages that have been sent to or opened by a contact. Now, messages in both contact insight and View All Messages are preview-enabled, allowing you to quickly view the content of the emails sent to the recipient, which is helpful when you reference a call to action or key piece of information with your contact.
Note: If the content of the email has personalization or dynamic content, then the content shown in the contact jnsight message will reflect what the email looks like if it was sent at this moment, not what it looked like when it was actually sent and received by the recipient. Contact insight cannot display dynamic contact in the subject line.
View contacts engaged in programs
You can view contacts that are currently engaged in programs from a database or a list, or in You can also add contacts from Contact insight Edit Contact page to access contact insight.
- In contact insight, when an existing contact is active in programs, the number of programs displays.
- Select View contact insight.
- In the upper right corner, click the number beside Engaged in programs.
The Contact currently engaged in programs page displays showing details of the contact's participation in the program. This includes the last entry date and participation count.
- Last entry date - In multiple participation, this is the latest date the contact entered the program.
- Participation count - Is the number of times the contact has entered the program. The program must be set to allow repeats on the Program settings page for a contact to enter more than once.
The Contact currently engaged in programs page displays the same in and Acoustic Campaign.
Clicking the link opens a list of programs the contact is currently participating in, shows the status of the contact within the program (running, complete and inactive), and the selected contact's status in the program as 'In progress' or 'Complete.'
Add contact to program
Use the Add contact to program feature to add a contact to an Acoustic Campaign program that has been approved for sales. This allows you to further nurture your contact with additional message streams. Click the Add contact to program button, and then select an item from a list of programs marked as Approved for sales. To add a contact to a single program or to multiple programs, click the '+' button.
Add contact to a program in contact insight from
Use the Add contact to program feature in Contact Insight to add a contact to an Acoustic Campaign program that is approved for sales.
In Acoustic Campaign under the Edit program settings within a program, there is an option labeled Program approved for sales. This option must be checked for any program that you want to allow contacts to be added to automatically via the Contact insight, and bypassing entrance criteria.
Click Add contact to program, and then select an item from a list of programs marked as approved for sales. To add a contact to a single program or to multiple programs, click +.
Contact insight within lead alerts
Contact insight is also available within the lead alerts configured on your Leads Scoring Model. Use this feature to notify key marketing or sales personnel when an important or actionable event occurs for your contact. Lead Alerts can contain a link back to a standalone contact insight page for an immediate view of messages, events, and scoring information for a specific contact.
Note: The contact insight feature is not supported for Transact recipients.
Give sales representatives access to contact insight from a lead alert email
You can give each sales representative a reporting only user account in Acoustic Campaign, so each representative has a single log on without the need for extra security steps.
If your sales reps are connecting through a corporate VPN, then you won't need to validate new IPs (because they are using the corporate IPs). Connecting through a corporate VPN allows you to offer a single Reporting Only username/password for all sales reps or a per sales rep username/password without any extra steps for security. This is the ideal solution.
If your sales reps do not use a corporate VPN, then a couple of options are available:
- Provide each rep with their username/password and let them validate their IP address individually. When a rep logs in for the first time from a new IP, they receive an email that prompts them to approve that IP. For this to work, IP restriction settings at the organization level cannot be turned on. While this means you have to create a username/password for each rep, it will provide the highest level of security with minimal impact to a Reporting only user and to all the other users.
- If you have several sales reps and don't want to create a separate username/password for each one, then you can create a shared username/password. However, the following changes to security settings are needed:
- Open a support ticket requesting that IP validation be disabled for the organization, and alert Support.
- Log in as an organization administrator and verify that IP restriction is not turned on for your organization.
- Optionally, decide if you want to turn on IP restriction for specific user accounts. While this is a preferred security option, note that if a user has this enabled and logs in from an unregistered IP, that IP address cannot be registered/approved until:
- The user is back on an approved IP, or
- The user has requested approval/registration of the IP from you (the organization administrator).
- Do not turn on IP restriction for the shared username/password Reporting only user.
Remove a program from contact insight
First deactivate the program, and then delete the program; this effectively removes the program from contact insight. Use this resolution only as a last resort if there are no other options, such as just deactivating the program.
Note: Keep in mind, this removes all reporting and metrics for the program; this information cannot be recovered.
Find which web form a contact submitted
When you view the details of a contact, the opt-in details include Added by web forms. If you have many web forms, it can be difficult to determine which web form was used. To find out which form was submitted, follow these steps.
- Go to View data.
- Click the name of the database you want to use.
- Click the Search tab.
- Click the contact's email address.
- Click View contact insight.
The form name, a link to the form, and the form data that was submitted shows here.
- Click the Form link located next to Opt-in form submit to view the Web form submit detail.
Contact insight is not displaying any activity for some contacts
No activity will be shown within contact insight if a contact does not have any actions to take for the email which they have received such as open, click and so on. Placing a link in your email that requires action will remedy this issue.