Databases with country fields default to the full country names. We provide the abbreviations for you in the event that you'd like to use them on custom forms, at your discretion.
See the table below for a list of countries that can be used in Acoustic Campaign.
PK -> Pakistan | US -> United States |
PW -> Palau | AF -> Afghanistan, Islamic State of |
PA -> Panama | AL -> Albania |
PG -> Papua New Guinea | DZ -> Algeria |
PY -> Paraguay | AS -> American Samoa |
PE -> Peru | AD -> Andorra, Principality of |
PH -> Philippines | AO -> Angola |
PN -> Pitcairn Island | AI -> Anguilla |
PL -> Poland | AQ -> Antarctica |
PF -> Polynesia (French) | AG -> Antigua and Barbuda |
PT -> Portugal | AR -> Argentina |
PR -> Puerto Rico | AM -> Armenia |
QA -> Qatar | AW -> Aruba |
RE -> Reunion (French) | AU -> Australia |
RO -> Romania | AT -> Austria |
RU -> Russian Federation | AZ -> Azerbaidjan |
RW -> Rwanda | BS -> Bahamas |
GS -> S. Georgia & S. Sandwich Isls. | BH -> Bahrain |
SH -> Saint Helena | BD -> Bangladesh |
KN -> Saint Kitts & Nevis Anguilla | BB -> Barbados |
LC -> Saint Lucia | BY -> Belarus |
PM -> Saint Pierre and Miquelon | BE -> Belgium |
ST -> Saint Tome (Sao Tome) and Principe | BZ -> Belize |
VC -> Saint Vincent & Grenadines | BJ -> Benin |
WS -> Samoa | BM -> Bermuda |
SM -> San Marino | BT -> Bhutan |
SA -> Saudi Arabia | BO -> Bolivia |
SN -> Senegal | BA -> Bosnia-Herzegovina |
SC -> Seychelles | BW -> Botswana |
SL -> Sierra Leone | BV -> Bouvet Island |
SG -> Singapore | BR -> Brazil |
SK -> Slovak Republic | IO -> British Indian Ocean Territory |
SI -> Slovenia | BN -> Brunei Darussalam |
SB -> Solomon Islands | BG -> Bulgaria |
SO -> Somalia | BF -> Burkina Faso |
ZA -> South Africa | BI -> Burundi |
KR -> South Korea | KH -> Cambodia, Kingdom of |
ES -> Spain | CM -> Cameroon |
LK -> Sri Lanka | CA -> Canada |
SD -> Sudan | CV -> Cape Verde |
SR -> Suriname | KY -> Cayman Islands |
SJ -> Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | CF -> Central African Republic |
SZ -> Swaziland | TD -> Chad |
SE -> Sweden | CL -> Chile |
CH -> Switzerland | CN -> China |
SY -> Syria | CX -> Christmas Island |
TJ -> Tadjikistan | CC -> Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
TW -> Taiwan | CO -> Colombia |
TZ -> Tanzania | KM -> Comoros |
TH -> Thailand | CG -> Congo |
TG -> Togo | CD -> Congo, The Democratic Republic of the |
TK -> Tokelau | CK -> Cook Islands |
TO -> Tonga | CR -> Costa Rica |
TT -> Trinidad and Tobago | HR -> Croatia |
TN -> Tunisia | CU -> Cuba |
TR -> Turkey | CY -> Cyprus |
TM -> Turkmenistan | CZ -> Czech Republic |
TC -> Turks and Caicos Islands | DK -> Denmark |
TV -> Tuvalu | DJ -> Djibouti |
UG -> Uganda | DM -> Dominica |
UA -> Ukraine | DO -> Dominican Republic |
AE -> United Arab Emirates | TP -> East Timor |
UK -> United Kingdom | EC -> Ecuador |
US -> United States | EG -> Egypt |
UY -> Uruguay | SV -> El Salvador |
UM -> USA Minor Outlying Islands | GQ -> Equatorial Guinea |
UZ -> Uzbekistan | ER -> Eritrea |
VU -> Vanuatu | EE -> Estonia |
VE -> Venezuela | ET -> Ethiopia |
VN -> Vietnam | FK -> Falkland Islands |
VG -> Virgin Islands (British) | FO -> Faroe Islands |
VI -> Virgin Islands (USA) | FJ -> Fiji |
WF -> Wallis and Futuna Islands | FI -> Finland |
EH -> Western Sahara | CS -> Former Czechoslovakia |
YE -> Yemen | SU -> Former USSR |
YU -> Yugoslavia | FR -> France |
ZR -> Zaire | FX -> France (European Territory) |
ZM -> Zambia | GF -> French Guyana |
ZW -> Zimbabwe | TF -> French Southern Territories |
GA -> Gabon | GM -> Gambia |
DE -> Germany | GE -> Georgia |
GI -> Gibraltar | GH -> Ghana |
GR -> Greece | GB -> Great Britain |
GD -> Grenada | GL -> Greenland |
GU -> Guam (USA) | GP -> Guadeloupe (French) |
GN -> Guinea | GT -> Guatemala |
GY -> Guyana | GW -> Guinea Bissau |
HM -> Heard and McDonald Islands | HT -> Haiti |
HN -> Honduras | VA -> Holy See (Vatican City State) |
HU -> Hungary | HK -> Hong Kong |
IN -> India | IS -> Iceland |
IR -> Iran | ID -> Indonesia |
IE -> Ireland | IQ -> Iraq |
IT -> Italy | IL -> Israel |
JM -> Jamaica | CI -> Ivory Coast (Cote D'Ivoire) |
JO -> Jordan | JP -> Japan |
KE -> Kenya | KZ -> Kazakhstan |
KW -> Kuwait | KI -> Kiribati |
LA -> Laos | KG -> Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan) |
LB -> Lebanon | LV -> Latvia |
LR -> Liberia | LS -> Lesotho |
LI -> Liechtenstein | LY -> Libya |
LU -> Luxembourg | LT -> Lithuania |
MK -> Macedonia | MO -> Macau |
MW -> Malawi | MG -> Madagascar |
MV -> Maldives | MY -> Malaysia |
MT -> Malta | ML -> Mali |
MQ -> Martinique (French) | MH -> Marshall Islands |
MU -> Mauritius | MR -> Mauritania |
MX -> Mexico | YT -> Mayotte |
MD -> Moldavia | FM -> Micronesia |
MN -> Mongolia | MC -> Monaco |
MA -> Morocco | MS -> Montserrat |
MM -> Myanmar | MZ -> Mozambique |
NR -> Nauru | NA -> Namibia |
NL -> Netherlands | NP -> Nepal |
NT -> Neutral Zone | AN -> Netherlands Antilles |
NZ -> New Zealand | NC -> New Caledonia (French) |
NE -> Niger | NI -> Nicaragua |
NU -> Niue | NG -> Nigeria |
KP -> North Korea | NF -> Norfolk Island |
NO -> Norway | MP -> Northern Mariana Islands |
OM -> Oman |