Using your own web site and web forms, you can capture these submits to action upon within the Acoustic Campaign in a Query.
First, familiarize yourself with our Web tracking implementation, specifically custom events and form submit event types.
If you intend to use the Form Submit type with queries then you need to perform an additional action. In web tracking settings, you need to create a custom event for the purpose of linking your forms.
For example, suppose that you created a new custom event called forms. Here is sample code using the new custom web tracking event:
<form name="myform" action="actionpage.html" onSubmit =" return ewt.trackFormSubmit({name:'Contact Us Form Submit',type:'forms'});'>
The important part is the type:'forms'
. The value of "forms" is what is tied to the custom web tracking event.
The name:'Contact Us Form Submit'
is the friendly name. Therefore you could have a number of different forms all with the same type but different friendly names.
The value for the name needs to be noted down including syntax (spaces, underscores, capitalization etc) as this is what you enter into your query. For example:
- Contact Us Form Submit
- Client Query
- Edit_Preferences
In Acoustic Campaign, build your query/queries as follows:
- Use the query builder interface.
- Choose Web Site Behavior.
- Select Triggered custom tracking event.
- In the Event box, select your newly created event (in the example: forms)
- In the Friendly Name box enter the name value from the source code exactly as it was written.