To use Custom Labels and Messages Settings in Survey or Marketing Cloud Landing Pages, you need to upload a CSV (.csv) file with UTF-8 encoding. Follow the steps to produce a CSV file with the UTF-8 encoding.
- Start with your custom labels file saved in an Excel workbook format (.xls, .xlsx).
- Open the file in Excel, click File/Save As. In the Save As pop-up window for Save as type, change Excel workbook to Unicode text.
- Click Save. Now you have a text file in which your non-English language characters are properly displayed.
- Right-click the file you saved and open with a plain text editor, for example, WordPad or Notepad. Note that the file is tab delimited and you need to change it to comma delimited.
- Highlight any one "tab" character, which is the entire space between 2 columns, and copy that space (i.e. tab).
- Click Edit - choose Replace. Paste the tab character into Find what. Enter "," (without quotes) in the Replace with box.
- Click Replace All and exit the dialog box.
- Go to File - click Save.The text file is now comma delimited.
- Go to File - Save As, change the Encoding from Unicode to UTF-8. For Save as type, change from Text Document to All Files. For the File name, give an extension CSV.
- Click Save. You have successfully saved the file in CSV with UTF-8 encoding.