Publishing a site makes it available for use.
From within the Landing Page site, take these steps to publish.
- Click Publish. Publish Confirmation will appear and shows any errors. You can return to the Edit Site page and correct any errors.
- Click Publish Site. View Sites appears, and in the list of sites, the site has the status of Published.
Note: Preview a site before you publish it. Sites with errors do not publish.
Preview a landing page site
In Preview, the site displays in the preview pane as it would in a web browser, where you can view the design and test the basic functions.
- Personalization functions only with a test name. Any name, address, or other personalization value in use can be used. The respondent that is selected is not contacted and data is not altered during testing.
- The links for pages within the site and to external sites are functional, but no tracking occurs if they are clicked.
- Forms in preview mode do submit to their target site, whether within the Acoustic Campaign or to an external site.
- Use the right-click menu to preview single pages or the entire site.
To Preview a Site
- Open the site and go to the Site Settings or Manage Site
- Click Preview. A preview window opens with a page that is displayed in the left pane, and test and validation in the right pane. The site displays as it appears for visitors, and the links work. Personalization areas have placeholders (%%xx%%) where information would appear.
- Complete any of the following actions:
- Preview the site.
- Complete a Personalization test.
- Complete a PURL test.
- View any Warnings and Errors.
- Validate Hyperlinks
- Preview Dynamic Content
Now, you are ready to publish your site.
Verify Personalization works by seeing whether an email database is associated with the site.
Test Personalization
- Click the Personalization Test heading in the right pane of the Preview
- Enter a valid email address from the database that is associated with this site. No email is sent to this address, and no data is changed in the database or reports.
- Click Test. The personalization placeholders display the respondent's information.
Note: When you complete the Personalization Test, both personalization on your page and your PURL display.
Troubleshooting Personalization
- If no database is associated with this site, the test cannot be completed. Associate a database on the Site Settings tab.
- If there is no data in a field, that information does not display.
- If field names (column names) are modified, emptied, or deleted, they do not display.
Enter the field data that is included in the URL. For example, if you add the first name field, enter a first name from your database to test your PURL.
The entire site is evaluated for warnings and errors when you click Preview. The totals display in the Warnings and Errors heading.
Sites do not function if there are errors. If there are warnings, functionality cannot be as expected.
Validation checks that links work within the Landing Page site, and to external sites, and reports the faulty links.
Validate Hyperlinks
- Click the Validate Hyperlinks heading, in the right pane. The Validate Hyperlinks Test button appears.
- Click Validate Hyperlink. A Validation Details dialog appears with a list of errors. The details dialog shows the type of error, the link location by landing page name, and a description of the cause of the error, for the entire site.
- Correct the errors and retest.
Troubleshooting Hyperlinks
- Some URLs are case-sensitive, which can create errors when, for example, an 'a' is used instead of 'A,' when 'A' was used in the URL.
- The Landing Page home URL and pages are not case-sensitive.
- External sites can use URLs that are case-sensitive.
- Files that are hosted by Acoustic Campaign are case-sensitive. (See Hosted Content.)
- Preview how Dynamic Content within your site looks to your contacts. Select a rule and click Refresh to see the content for that rule.
Publishing a landing page error
A Landing page site is published, and the following error appears: The web form is missing either a form or confirmation page. Please modify the form and republish it. This error refers to invalid HTML within either the 'Form' or 'Confirmation' page. You need to verify that the HTML is properly formatted (closed tags, and so on), save, and republish the Landing Page.
To fix this error, go to the Manage Site tab within your landing page. Here, you will find a 'Form' and/or 'Confirmation' section within your web forms. Each section allows editing the form either in Design View (WYSIWYG) or Source View.
Note: When manipulating the HTML in Source View, there is a greater chance to make an error within your source code that will not allow the Landing Page to publish.
Republish a landing page after edits
You can get this information by going to Landing Page Sites. Here you see a list of all sites. Sites that are currently published and were modified, but not republished can be easily seen by the Last Modified Date. The last modified dates that show in bold black are the sites that were modified, but not republished.
Re-open a closed landing page
To re-open a closed landing page, take these steps.
- Go to Landing Pages.
- Select the Landing page to close.
- Click Publish, located in the top-right corner.
- On the Publish Confirmation page, click Publish Site.
Redirect a closed landing page
To have a closed Landing Page URL redirect to another URL, follow these steps.
Note: If you delete the landing page, it will no longer redirect.
- Go to Landing Pages and click the name of your Landing Page.
- On the Site Settings tab, select Open Optional Site Setting
- Select the box next to Close Page and enter the new URL destination.
- Click Save.