Configure flagging contacts
When you are using Acoustic Campaign as a lead generation platform, marketing can use a combination of some features or processes to flag a contact that originates in Acoustic Campaign for sync to CRM.
Before you start flagging contacts for sync to CRM, you must be familiar with the following settings.
- CRM Enable Sync is a system field that all CRM integrations use to determine whether the Acoustic Campaign contact record must be synchronized to CRM. The value is set to either 0 or 1. If you set the value to 0, it means that you do not want to sync to CRM, if you set the value to 1 it means that you want to sync to CRM.
- Sync Settings - On the CRM and Scoring Settings page, the Sync Settings: check box determines the CRM Enable Sync default value. If you clear the check box, then the CRM Enable Sync defaults to 0, if you select the check box, then the CRM Enable Sync defaults to 1.
Note: Sync Settings is a global setting and must not be toggled back and forth. If you have a reason to not sync some marketing-generated leads to CRM, then clear the field, and use any one of the techniques noted in the following procedure to send the wanted records to CRM as new Leads while the rest remains in Acoustic Campaign and might be sent to CRM in the future. If you choose to select Sync Settings, the following procedure does not apply. The following procedure applies to the users who choose to clear the Sync Settings check box.
Complete the following actions if you choose to set CRM Enable Sync = 1, which queues up the contact for the next scheduled sync to CRM.
Note: Do not change the CRM Enable sync option from 1 to 0. There are no known use cases that support toggling a syncing Acoustic Campaign contact from 1 back to 0. If you do so, it creates a scenario where a syncing Acoustic Campaign contact record no longer sync's with its match in CRM. They remain intact and grow out of sync.
For example, if you were to import a CSV file and your intentions were to not flag them for sync to CRM, do not map to the CRM Enable Sync field. Clearing the Sync Settings option ensures that any new contacts default to 0 and if a matching email address is found, its CRM Enable Sync value remains unchanged, which might be a syncing contact.
- Manually change the CRM Enable Sync option by using the Edit Contact
- Map the value 1 to the CRM Enable Sync field during a file import or update.
Note: Use this technique with a file where everyone must be flagged for sync to CRM. Do not map a 0 as it might potentially update an existing contact record that is already syncing with CRM. Reverting the CRM Enable Sync flag from a 1 to a 0 causes the records to become out of sync with each other.
- Standard web forms properties have an optional check box in the Form Settings section that is called Enable sync record to CRM on Submit.
- Automated Programs have an Action that is called Sync Contact with CRM. Salesforce integrated clients might also use the Action that is named Add Contact to Campaign, which flags the contact for sync to CRM in addition to creating a Salesforce campaign member record.
- Acoustic Campaign APIs have access to the CRM Enable sync field during inserts or updates.
- Scoring Models have a sync with CRM configuration, where a scoring threshold determines when a contact's CRM Enable sync option must be set to 1.
Configure the database association with Salesforce
Read through the following procedure to choose a database and associate with Salesforce.
Note: The database must be a flexible, regular, or single Opt-In list that is created in the Create a Database step.
- Log on to Campaign as an Org Admin.
- Go to Settings> Org Admin > Organization Settings.
- Expand the CRM and Scoring Settings section and then click Edit. The Update CRM and Scoring Settings page is displayed.
- Select a new CRM database to be synchronized with CRM.
- Select Sync Setting checkbox to choose whether to sync newly added Campaign recipients with Salesforce. Selecting this option creates a Lead in Salesforce for every new recipient added to the Campaign.
Note: Salesforce generally requires Last Name and Company fields to be populated for a new lead to be created. If you select the checkbox, then, any of the Campaign recipients that originate in the Campaign must be flagged using various techniques to send the record to Salesforce as a new lead.
Configure a flexible database for CRMi
CRM integration with Campaign requires a flexible database. You can create a flexible database either from scratch and then manually add the field names or from a flat file (CSV, TSV) that includes all field headers.
For more information, see Create a Flexible database.
Note: For the Salesforce CRMi integration, a self-service mapping process inside Campaign allows new fields to be created as you begin the mapping process. Scribe online-based integrations require that the fields be created before the mapping process.
For the CRM integration to work, the database must meet the following requirements:
- It must be saved in the shared folder
- It must be a Regular/Single Opt-In database
- It must be a flexible database
- If you are importing a new database, the CSV, TSV file must contain the email field
- For Salesforce integration, it is recommended to add additional fields during the field mapping process so that you can easily see the field type in CRM and be able to make the appropriate field type for the new Campaign