Manage the field mappings tab
You can configure your own settings and mappings by using the Manage CRM tool in Campaign. In the tool, you enter the Salesforce login credentials and security token. Acoustic CRMi uses Salesforce security tokens to communicate with Salesforce servers and interact with a client's database for synchronization. You need to request a security token from within your Salesforce account. SFDC sends you the token through email to fill in the Credentials tab of the Manage CRM window.
When you first access the Field Mappings tab, Campaign makes a dynamic call to SFDC and obtains all your standard and custom fields from SFDC, and groups them by section. You can collapse and expand the sections as needed. You need to provide mappings for Leads, Contacts, and Accounts. You can see the SFDC fields that are associated with each tab and match them with existing Acoustic Campaign fields and the fields you create.
Follow these mapping tips before you start the process
- Don’t use special characters in field names.
- You can map two SFDC fields to one field in Acoustic Campaign (for example, you can map Lead First Name and Contact First Name from Salesforce to a First Name field in Acoustic Campaign when the Lead and Contact First Name fields are the same). Another example is the standard SFDC Lead Company and Account Name can be mapped to the same Acoustic Campaign.
- You cannot map multiple SFDC within the same SFDC Object to one Acoustic Campaign. For example, two fields on the Lead cannot be mapped to one Acoustic Campaign field.
- We recommend mapping the fields as To Acoustic Campaign for the initial sync from SFDC.
- Create the Acoustic Campaign fields when you begin the mapping task.
- Map fields are helpful for list building, email personalization, and lead generation efforts within Acoustic Campaign.
- Fields you create in the Acoustic Campaign to map to the First Name, Last Name, Job Title, and so on, on the Lead, must be reused when you are mapping to the Contact First Name, Last Name, Job Title, and so on. Another example is the Acoustic Campaign field that is mapped to the Lead Company field and must be reused when mapping to the Account Name.
- You may map to the Owner of the Lead and Contact. These values can be helpful for the personalization of emails. Again, reuse the Lead Owner fields you create inside Acoustic Campaign for the Contact Owner fields.
- Field Level Security must also be selected to Visible for any SFDC Lead/Contact/Account field you want to map.
- When mapping Phone number fields from SFDC, select Text or Phone Number as the Acoustic Campaign field type.
- After mapping a field, do not change the field's name inside the Campaign. Also, do not change the API field name inside SFDC.
- When mapping to SFDC multi-select drop-down list fields, you must create the drop-down list options on the Acoustic Campaign fields after you activate the mapping. You can also edit and delete field mappings.
- You can view, print, or save a hard copy of the field mapping. Under Active Mapping > Review, you can scroll down and click Print, to get a list of all the fields mapped with the Salesforce Integration.
Add new fields mappings
Follow these steps to map additional fields.
- In the Organization Settings, go to the CRM and Scoring Settings and click Edit.
- Click Manage CRM.
- On the Manage CRM page, access the Field Mappings.
- The Active Mapping tab displays an activated mapping.
- The Working Copy tab displays the active map; however, this is where you make mapping revisions.
- The Leads tab displays the Salesforce Lead fields available for mapping to Acoustic Campaign.
- The Contacts tab displays Salesforce Contact fields available for mapping to Acoustic Campaign.
- The Accounts tab displays Salesforce Account fields available for mapping to Acoustic Campaign.
- The Review & Activate tab displays the working copy mapping edits applied to the active mapping.
- Click the Working Copy
- Select the Salesforce field that you want to map by hovering your mouse over the field, and then click the Create Field Mapping icon that displays as you hover over it. This opens a window where you can map the field.
- Select the appropriate radio button to either map to an existing Campaign field or a newly created field. If you create a new field, check the "Use CRM Field Name" box or type in a different field name. Make sure the Field Type for the new Acoustic Campaign field is compatible with the Salesforce field type.
- Click Next.
- On the next page, you will have two options.
- Pull data from today going forward. Existing field values on currently syncing records are not synchronized until the synchronized record is modified. This modification triggers a sync per the specified field mapping direction.
- Pull all historical Data is required when you need to backfill the target field with existing data that is already populated in the source field and is also required to initialize the bidirectional field mappings to fulfill the Initially pull data from
Note: If this field already contains data in the source system (Acoustic Campaign or Salesforce), it is recommended to choose "Pull all historical data". The step will ensure that existing data is populated in the opposite system. The pull data from today going forward option populates updates after this field mapping is activated.
- Choose the direction in which you want the data to synchronize.
- CRM to Acoustic Campaign Only Updates only flow to Acoustic Campaign.
Acoustic Campaign to CRM Only updates only the flow to CRM. Most suitable for Acoustic Campaign scoring model fields.
Bidirectional: Updates synchronize back and forth once it's initialized. Bidirectional initialization simply means that the Initially pull data from has been satisfied either through the Pull all historical data selection (or) the record has naturally synchronized due to a modification.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 1-10 to map all the additional fields.
- After you map all your fields, the final step is to activate the mapping. The step creates the new Acoustic Campaign fields and allows data to begin syncing. To activate the mapping, click the Review & Activate Review field mappings to ensure they are correct. Then, click the Activate button.
Edit the field mappings
Follow these steps to edit the Field Mappings in Salesforce.
- In Organization Settings go to CRM and Scoring Settings section and click Edit.
- Click Manage CRM.
- On the Manage CRM page, access the Field Mappings.
- Click Working Copy.
- Select the Salesforce field you want to edit by clicking the edit icon.
- Select the appropriate radio button to either map to an existing Acoustic Campaign field or a newly created field. If you create a new Acoustic Campaign field, check the 'Use CRM Field Name' box or type in a different field name. Make sure the Field Type for the new Acoustic Campaign field is compatible with the Salesforce field type.
- Click Next.
- On the next page, you will have two options.
- Pull data from today going forward Existing field values on currently syncing records are not synchronized up until the synchronized record is modified, which triggers a sync per the specified field mapping direction.
- Pull all historical Data is required when you need to backfill the target field with existing data that is already populated in the source field and is also required to initialize the bidirectional field mappings to satisfy the Initially pull data from.
Note: If this field already contains data in the source system (Acoustic Campaign or Salesforce), it's recommended to choose to Pull all historical data. The step will ensure that existing data is populated in the opposite system. The pull data from today going forward option populates updates after this field mapping is activated.
- Choose the direction in which you want the data to synchronize.
- CRM to Acoustic Campaign Only updates only flow to Acoustic Campaign.
Acoustic Campaign to CRM Only updates only flow to CRM. Most suitable for Acoustic Campaign scoring model fields.
Bidirectional: Updates synchronize back and forth once the mapping is initialized. Bidirectional initialization simply means that the Initially pull data from has been satisfied either through the Pull all historical data selection (or) the record has naturally synchronized due to a modification.
- Click Save.
- Repeat steps 1-10 to map all the additional fields.
- After you map all your fields, the final step is to activate the mapping. The step creates the new Acoustic Campaign fields and allows data to begin syncing. To activate the mapping, click the Review & Activate Review field mappings to ensure they are correct. Then, click the Activate button.
Editing the fields that are mapped with Salesforce
There may come a time when you need to make changes such as renaming, changing type, or deleting a field. If the field is mapped for integration, you can follow steps when editing to help avoid sync interruptions and the field not found in Salesforce error in the field mapping.
Depending on the type of change required and where the field change is taking place (Salesforce or the Acoustic Campaign), you can follow specific steps to help prevent sync interruptions. Various scenarios and steps are noted below.
- Change the field type in the Campaign that is mapped.
- First, change the field type of the existing Campaign field.
- Go to the Working Copy of the mapping.
- Edit the existing mapping and re-save.
- Review & Activate.
- Change the field type in Salesforce that is mapped.
- Change the field type in Salesforce.
- Then log into the Campaign and go to the Working Copy of mapping.
- Delete the mapping and then add it right back.
- Review & Activate.
- Delete a Salesforce field that is mapped.
- Delete the field mapping in the Work Copy.
- Review & Activate.
- Delete the Salesforce field.
- Delete a Campaign field that is mapped.
- Delete the field mapping in the Working Copy.
- Review & Activate.
- Delete the Campaign database field.
- Rename a Salesforce Field Label that is mapped.
- Delete the mapping from the working copy. Do not Review & Activate.
- Exit and Log out of the Campaign.
- Rename the field in Salesforce, including the "Field Name" and save.
- Log back into the Campaign. If you didn’t log out of the Campaign in step 2 above, this will not work correctly.
- Go to the working copy of the mapping and create a new mapping for the newly renamed field and be sure to select the "Existing Campaign field" that you previously unmapped.
- Save the mapping.
- Review & Activate.
- Rename a Campaign field that is mapped.
- Rename the Campaign field and ensure the data job is finished.
- Go to the Working Copy of the mapping, and you will still see the old Campaign field name.
- Click edit on the existing field mapping and select the renamed field name from the list of "Existing Campaign fields".
- Re-save the mapping.
- Review & Activate.
Delete the field mappings
Follow these steps to delete field mappings in Self-Service for deleted fields in Salesforce.
- In the Organization Settings go to CRM and Scoring Settings section and then click Edit.
- Click Manage CRM.
- On the Manage CRM page, access the Field Mappings.
- Click Working Copy, click the red X to delete the field mapping that corresponds to the field that is not found in Salesforce.
- Select Delete to confirm that you wish to delete the field mapping.
- Once you delete, the Fields Not Found in Salesforce section is no longer displayed.
- Go to the Review and Activate tab. Click Activate.
Note: Field Mapping is not deleted in the backend until you click Activate.
The historical data mapping option
Pull all historical data is required when you need to backfill the target field with existing data that is already populated in the source field. It is also required to initialize the bidirectional field mappings to satisfy the Initial data pull from Salesforce.
If the mapping field already contains data in the source system, that is in Campaign or Salesforce, it is recommended to select pull all historical data. This ensures that existing data is populated in the opposite system. However, the pull data from today going forward option populates updates that occur after the mapping field is activated.
If you add a field mapping after the CRM integration goes live, the pull-all historical data option helps you populate or back-fill the new Campaign field.
Note: Enabling "pull all historical data" for new or existing field mappings after the integration goes live generates a backfill request sync job for all records enabled for sync. Backfill request sync jobs take precedence over the regular sync cycle when they are generated and will place the regular sync cycle on hold until it's complete. This can be time-consuming for integrations with a million or more records and cannot be stopped manually by Acoustic. It's best to plan mapping changes requiring backfilling field values for a time when Salesforce or Campaign are not heavily used.
The field is mapped but not accessible to the user
Once a Salesforce field is mapped to Acoustic Campaign, it must remain accessible to the Salesforce integration user. If not, the integration with Salesforce will go into a failed status, and you will not be able to view or delete the invalid field mappings within the Campaign field mapping interface.
For example, customers can enter a scenario that begins by not deleting the field mapping before reconfiguring Salesforce. These reconfigurations could include:
- Salesforce field is being deleted.
- Salesforce field's API name is being renamed.
- Salesforce field is being removed from the page layout.
- Salesforce integration user's profile no longer has visible access to the Salesforce field.
Delete the field mappings before the Salesforce field is deleted or renamed to prevent this issue. However, once the issue occurs, the resolution depends on what change was made to cause it.
For example, consider a scenario where the integration fails with the following error: No such column 'Revenue__c' on entity 'Contact'. Basically, Campaign stores various mapped fields, one of which is 'Revenue__c' from the Salesforce Contact object. The integration with Salesforce requests these mapped fields through the API requests to Salesforce. In this case, Salesforce is responding that no such field is available by that Field Name = Revenue__c.
Scenario 1. If the cause for the error is the Salesforce field is deleted.
- Resolution Option 1: Restore or undelete the Salesforce field. When you undelete a field, Salesforce modifies the API name of the field. 'Revenue__c' becomes 'Revenue_del__c' upon restoring. You may have to edit the field's API 'Field Name' to the name before deletion by removing the _del.
- Resolution Option 2: If restoring the field is not an option, then Campaign support may have to delete the field mapping. This must be coordinated through a Campaign support case. You will not see the invalid field mapping within the Campaign mapping UI.
Scenario 2. If the cause for the error is the Salesforce field's API Field Name being renamed.
- Resolution Option 1: Rename the API "Field Name" of the Salesforce field back to what it was. You can leave the "Field Label" as-is. The Acoustic Campaign mapping database stores the API "Field Name", which Is why the "Field Label" can be changed without affecting integration.
- Resolution Option 2: If renaming the API "Field Name" is not an option, then Campaign support will need to delete the field mapping for you, and then you will need to re-map via the mapping UI the Salesforce field with the new name. This must be coordinated via a Campaign support case. You will not see the invalid field mapping within the Campaign mapping UI.
Scenario 3. If the cause for the error is the Salesforce field being removed from the page layout.
- Resolution: Put the field back onto the page layout. Salesforce Professional Edition fields are not exposed via their APIs unless the field is on the page layout.
Scenario 4. If the cause for the error is Salesforce integration user's profile is longer made visible to the mapped Salesforce field.
- Resolution: Grant visible access to the Salesforce integration user's Profile. The Campaign integration with Salesforce is on behalf of a Salesforce User configured within the Manage CRM Campaign interface. Please contact your Salesforce administrator for help with field-level security settings inside Salesforce.
Person account field mapping considerations
The following information should help solve some of the common questions and provide guidance when building the field mappings between Acoustic Campaign and a "Person Account" enabled Salesforce.
The Campaign field mapping tabs display the visible Salesforce fields for Leads, Contacts, and Accounts. These fields must be "visible" to the CRM integration user (Enterprise/Unlimited Salesforce org) and NOT placed in the System Information section of the page layout(s). Knowing this alone often answers the "Why can't I see a Salesforce field to map?" question.
Person Accounts are actually "Contact" and "Account" object fields within Salesforce. While the Salesforce UI ‘suggests’ that Person Accounts have their fields, a Person Account page layout simply displays a combination of Contact and Account fields into a single page layout. For example, if you were to add a new custom field…you would create it on the Contact or Account object… there is no place to create a "Person Account" custom field. Therefore, the Acoustic Campaign integration uses the Salesforce APIs to access the Contact and Account objects for both person account and non-person account-enabled organizations.
As you’ll see in Acoustic Campaign, there is no "Person Account" mapping tab because there is no Person Account "object" in Salesforce.
Campaign field mapping tabs
When Person Accounts is enabled within a Salesforce organization, some "Contact" object fields display on the "Accounts" mapping tab. However, these contact fields cannot be mapped on the Contact and Account mapping tab. It's recommended that the Contact fields be mapped on the Contacts tab, which provides the added benefit of 'Bidirectional' if necessary.
- Know your Salesforce fields and what objects they exist on. They are on the Lead, Contact, and Account objects, so look for them on the respective field mappings tabs in Acoustic Campaign.
- Fields mapped on the Accounts tab cannot be "Bidirectional". So while you may see "Contact" fields on the Account mapping tab, you should also see them on the Contact mapping tab where "bidirectional" is a mapping configuration option.
- Map the Account Record Type Name to Acoustic Campaign from the Account mapping tab. Then you can easily identify Business Contacts from Person Account Contacts once they sync into the Campaign.
Fields not found in Salesforce on the field mapping screen
Salesforce fields mapped to Campaign through the Salesforce integration must remain intact or visible otherwise, the sync with Acoustic Campaign will fail. The field mapping interface will display unavailable field mappings in a red section titled Fields not found in Salesforce. This means a previously mapped field is no longer available through the Salesforce API to the Salesforce User being used for the integration. You would also notice on the Status tab that the Profile Data for Leads, Contacts, and Accounts sync is in a Failed status. The synchronization with Salesforce will remain in a failed status until these mappings are fixed.
You should check with your Salesforce administrator to determine what changes to the field or Salesforce integration user's Profile in Salesforce caused the failure. The errors could be potentially due to the following four reasons:
Potential errors if you are using Professional Edition Salesforce
- If you have a Professional Edition Salesforce organization, removing the field from the page layout will cause this error since only fields on page layouts are exposed to the Salesforce API.
- Put the field back onto the page layout, and the issue should resolve within a few minutes.
- Log out and back into Campaign to allow the field mapping interface to refresh.
Potential errors if the field is deleted from Salesforce
- The field was deleted from Salesforce (all Salesforce editions).
- Delete the field mapping(s) from the "Working Copy'"
- Reactivate the mapping.
Potential errors if the Custom field's API Name has been renamed (all Salesforce editions)
- The custom field's API Name has been renamed (all Salesforce editions). Most likely, the field was renamed by a Salesforce Administrator, including the Field Label and the Field API Name.
- Salesforce user interface warns of the effect on integration during the rename process. You can either rename the Salesforce API name back to what it was or delete the field mapping and then add it as a new field mapping if you desire to keep it mapped. The field name listed in the "Fields Not Found in Salesforce" section within the Campaign is the API name it expects. That's what you should rename the Salesforce custom field back to.
- DO NOT include the '__c', which is automatically appended to the end of a Salesforce custom field's API Name.
Potential errors if the Salesforce integration user's access to the field has been revoked
- The Salesforce integration user's access to the field has been revoked. Check the Set Field-Level Security for the Salesforce field and ensure the profile the integration user is assigned to is checked.
- Once checked, the issue should resolve within a few minutes.
- Log out and back into Acoustic Campaign to allow the field mapping interface to refresh.
Mapping the Scoring Model fields
Each time you create a Scoring model, Acoustic Campaign adds three non-editable Scoring columns to your database. The Scoring columns are, <model name>_Behavior (Activity Score + Recency Score), <model name>_Score, and <model name>_Rank.
Contact scores that are associated with a particular model are uploaded in these fields. For example, if you create and name a new Scoring model GardenPromoW2011. When you create this new model, Campaign adds three additional columns to your database (rank, score, and behavior). The new columns are called GardenPromoW2011_Behavior, GardenPromoW2011_Score, and GardenPromoW2011_Rank. If a contact gets a behavior score of 25 because the contact ordered a catalog by submitting a Web form request, the number 25 populates in the GardenPromoW2011_Behavior field.
No matter how many Scoring models you create for your organization, you can have no more than 400 columns in your database. If you have 398 columns and want to create a new Scoring Model, the Campaign does not create a Scoring model and you can receive a warning message informing you to delete columns in your database to accommodate the addition of the new three Scoring columns. Also, each Scoring model must have a unique name. This name drives the columns in your database.
In order to map scoring fields over to Salesforce, you will first need to have a scoring model created using the same database as the one that is syncing with Salesforce. Once the model(s) are created, you will find three fields that will end with _Behavior, _Rank, and _Score. For example:
- Scoring_Model_Name_Behavior
- Scoring_Model_Name_ Rank
- Scoring_Model_Name_ Score
Once the fields are created, you can go into the CRMi mapping console and map them over to Salesforce. There are a total of six fields that are on the Lead and Contact object that can be used to map the scoring model fields from Acoustic Campaign to Salesforce. The fields are labeled as Acoustic Behavior Score, Acoustic Lead Rank & Acoustic Lead Score (previously 'Silverpop Behavior Score', 'Silverpop Lead Rank' & 'Silverpop Lead Score'). Ensure that these fields are added to the default lead and contact page layout for the integration user that is being used to sync records between the two systems.
Once you are in the CRMi mapping console, locate the Campaign fields that are on the Salesforce page layout and map the fields as one-way sync from the Campaign to Salesforce. If you are mapping these fields on an existing integration, ensure to choose to Pull all historical data when selecting the sync direction.
Once you complete all the above-mentioned tasks, navigate to the Review and Active tab in the CRMi mapping console and activate the mapping and synchronize the scoring model metrics. Scores may be mapped to CRM Leads for Lead INSERTS through the synchronization, but thereafter scoring updates in Campaign are not updated on the CRM Lead. This would satisfy a need to get the original score value passed from Campaign to CRM but does not accommodate the ability to keep the score updated in CRM thereafter.
Email Opt-Out Mapping and Synchronization
Opt-out syncing is a feature that is off by default, however, it can be enabled by going into the Acoustic Campaign "Manage CRM" screen and clicking the Settings tab. Next, check the Enable Opt-Out Syncing option and click Save. The field is already pre-mapped to the standard email opt-out (HasOptedOutOfEmail) fields in Salesforce. Ensure that the Salesforce integration user has full read/write access to this field on both the lead & contact objects. If you are using Salesforce Professional Edition, ensure that you have these fields added to the page layout. Since this field is mapped bi-directionally, either system can opt out of the other record. Therefore, if a recipient of the email clicks the unsubscribe link, the record will automatically be opted out of Campaign, and on the next sync, we will update the record in Salesforce to also be opted out. Conversely, if a user marks a record as opted out in Salesforce, the matching twin record in Campaign will also be opted out.
If you Enable Opt Out syncing option after going live, the mapping will be added as explained above. However, for previously synchronized records, an automatic reconciliation will not occur. For example, if you have opted out / syncing contacts in Campaign, you will need to update them in some way to cause the modified date to change which would then cause force a sync to CRM and update the 'Email Opt Out' checkbox accordingly.
In some cases, you may observe Opted-out via CRM sync InsertUpdateRecipients API. IP Address: which means that someone in Salesforce checked the Email Opt-out field for a syncing record which marked the record in Campaign to be opted-out. CRMi automatically updates this so you will see the API info in the opt-out details.
Note: While the act of Opting Out is bidirectional, reversing an Opt-Out to an Opt-In must originate in Campaign and cannot be initiated in your CRM platform.
Mapping and adding picklist values to the Campaign custom field configuration
If a marketer picklists or multi-selects the field that is mapped from Salesforce to Campaign, none of the other values besides the value that is assigned to the specific lead or contact will synchronize over.
The marketer will need to add these values to the Campaign custom field so they are available for selection.
Mapping the contact identifier (Recipient ID) and CRM Sync ID from a database
The List Import feature lets you map Contact Identifier (Recipient ID) and CRM sync ID, from your import file to the database.
For more information refer to Import update into a flexible database.
The direction in which fields can be mapped between Salesforce and Acoustic Campaign
You can configure your own settings and mappings by using the Manage CRM tool in Campaign. On the "Field Mappings" tab (Working Copy), Salesforce fields are associated with each tab and are eligible to be mapped with Campaign.
The field mapping exercise lets you indicate how data for each mapped field will sync. It's up to you to decide the nature of the field and which system should be able to synchronize an update.
CRM to Acoustic Campaign Only - Updates only flow from CRM to Campaign.
Acoustic Campaign to CRM Only - Updates only flow from Campaign to CRM. This option is suitable for Campaign scoring model fields.
Bidirectional - Updates synchronize back and forth once the mapping is initialized. Bidirectional initialization simply means that the "Initially pull data from" drop-down selection which is also necessary to choose for this direction has been satisfied. The "Pull all historical data" selection forces a complete re-sync when activating your changes. This will satisfy the bidirectional initialization. Otherwise, if the record has naturally synchronized due to a modification, initialization will occur, but only for those records.
Field mapping exceptions:
- During an INSERT to the target system, the mapping direction is ignored because there is not yet a record to conflict with. Mapping direction is enforced during UPDATE when two records are already synchronized.
- Email is hardcoded to "Bidirectional" for Leads and Contacts. It cannot be edited.
- com "Formula" field types may only be "CRM to Campaign Only".
- com "Account" fields may only be "CRM to Campaign Only".
- com "Lookup" fields may only be "CRM to Campaign Only".
- Acoustic Campaign scoring model fields should be set to "Campaign to CRM Only".
Combinations of field mappings that are supported by Campaign
When you access the Field Mappings tab, Campaign makes a dynamic call to SFDC, obtains all your standard and custom fields from SFDC, and groups them by section. You can collapse and expand the sections as needed. You need to provide mappings for Leads, Contacts, and Accounts. You can see the SFDC fields associated with each tab and match them with existing Campaign fields and the fields you create.
Campaign fields may be mapped twice, using a supported combination. For instance, if the Campaign field is already mapped to the Lead and Contact, it will not appear as an option to map for Accounts.
Below is the field mapping combination that the Campaign currently supports:
- Campaign field mapped to a Lead and a Contact
- Campaign field mapped to a Lead and an Account
The combination that is not supported is a Campaign field being mapped to a Contact and an Account. This is impossible because account fields accompany the Contact when syncing, so if you have ready-mapped the Campaign field on the Contact, you cannot map an Account field to the same Campaign field.
If you need to have this data from the third object in which the field is not currently mapped, creating a new field to map to this object is recommended.