With Acoustic Campaign integration for Microsoft CRM, you can organize your email templates in folders. By organizing email templates in folders, not only you get better organization or view of the email templates but you can also make specific templates to be available for a specific user based on a direct permission or security role.
Ensure that Acoustic Campaign templates are shared with Microsoft CRM.
Before creating a folder structure, you need to synchronize email templates from your Acoustic Campaign organization to MS CRM. Complete the following steps to synchronize the email template folders.
- Within Microsoft CRM, navigate to Sales > Acoustic Campaign email Templates.
- Click Sync Acoustic Campaign email Templates.
- The synchronization process begins. A dialog box is displayed.
- Once synchronization is complete, a dialog box appears with the following data:
- The overall number of templates in MS CRM after the sync process.
- The number of templates added to MS CRM.
- The number of templates updated in MS CRM.
- The number of templates deleted from MS CRM.
- Acoustic Campaign email templates are now synced to Microsoft CRM and you may now create a folder structure.
You can now complete the process of creating a folder structure for Acoustic Campaign email templates.