Read through the following section to understand how to configure bi-directional synchronization by using an existing field.
Complete the following steps to configure bi-directional synchronization by using an existing field.
- Pull historical data from the field's system of record (Source). Meaning, wherever you are storing the data for the field that you want to map, you need to perform a pull historical.
- Update the Scribe maps.
- Acoustic Campaign to Microsoft™ Dynamics CRM map.
- MS Dynamics CRM to Acoustic Campaign map
- Map the Acoustic Campaign and CRM fields in Scribe.
- Update the Solution's schedule.
- Select the new bi-directional maps.
- Clear the original Contact or Leads maps.
- Move up the new bi-directional maps in sequence so those instances run when expected. Generally, in a standard Acoustic Campaign mapping solution, the Acoustic Campaign to MS Dynamics CRM solution runs first.