A SugarCRM Drop-Down field stores a pair of values for each option that is called the item name and a Display Label. Generally these two values are the same, but when they are different ensure that the when you are using the Scribe Online SugarCRM Connector the value that is retrieved from SugarCRM is the Item Name.
In this scenario, you understand how to map the Display Label of a SugraCRM drop-down field. If you want to synchronize the Display Label, you have to use Scribe's 'Lookup Table' functionality to build a conversion table to reference through a mapping formula. The formula is able to take the Source value, in this case the 'Item Name' and pass over the 'Display Label' to the Target.
Note: If your Item Name and Display Label are the same, then this mapping exercise is unnecessary. Be sure your Acoustic Campaign and SugarCRM administrators are collaborating on the standardized values that either system is using.
Consider an example of the Item Name 'Mr.' has a Display Label of 'Mister' and your goal is to sync over the Display Label for these salutations to Acoustic Campaign. Without a lookup table conversion, 'Mr.' is what would be synchronized into Acoustic Campaign.
- Create a Lookup Table. Lookup Tables are created by accessing the Lookup Table menu option along the left side of Scribe Online. Value 1 in the lookup table represents the 'Item Name' as has been defined in SugarCRM. The Value 2 column represents the value to which you want to replace Value 1 with. For more information on Scribe Online's lookup table feature, see Help.
Note: Note: You must also have a blank row in your value pairs to accommodate blank/unselected drop-down fields.
- After you have your Lookup Table that is properly defined, you can now reference it in your field mapping. Be sure that the once you map to Acoustic Campaign, the inverse mapping formula would be necessary to map correctly back to SugarCRM. You can choose to decide whether the field mapping is bidirectional. For example, consider a Lead mapping to and from Acoustic Campaign. LOOKUPTABLEVALUE2( "SalutationTranslation", Leads.salutation). Take the value from the salutation field and replaces it with Value 2 from the Lookup Table named 'SalutationTranslation'.
- Complete the Lookup Table Ongoing Maintenance. LOOKUPTABLEVALUE1( 'SalutationTranslation', CRMSugar2016_Lead.Salutation ). If you want to return LOOKUPTABLEVALUE1 instead of LOOKUPTABLEVALUE2 in order to convert back to the Item Name. SugarCRM is expecting the Item Name. You must keep your lookup table value pairs up to date. Update the lookup table at the same time you modify your drop-down fields in SugarCRM or to avoid synchronization errors.