When mapping various Acoustic Campaign fields to a Dynamics CRM field, it is often necessary to apply a formula translation to the data transfer. Use the examples in the following sections for mappings where Acoustic Campaign is the source and Microsoft™ Dynamics CRM is the target.
Always sync test data across your field mapping to ensure that the formulas are applied as you expect. Use the Preview in the Scribe Online Mapping interface to check what is retrieved from Acoustic Campaign and your formula results.
Note: The following examples are for mappings where Dynamics CRM is the Target and Acoustic Campaign is the Source.
Acoustic Campaign Field type (UI) | Acoustic Campaign Data Example | CRM Field Type (UI) | Formula Example |
Text |
This is Text. | Single Line of Text | IF(LEN( IMCDB_Lead.JobTitle) > 100, LEFT( IMCDB_Lead.JobTitle, 100), IMCDB_Lead.JobTitle) |
Yes/No | Yes or No | Two Option |
IF(IMCDB_Lead.TwoOptions = "Yes", true, false) |
Number | 0.325 | Decimal | IF(ISNULLORWHITESPACE(IMCDB_Lead.DecimalNumber3), null, IMCDB_Lead.DecimalNumber3) |
Money | 123.45 | Currency | IF(ISNULLORWHITESPACE(IMCDB_Lead.Currency2), null, IMCDB_Lead.Currency2) |
Selection (Choose One) | Red or Blue | Two Option | IF(IMCDB_Lead.TwoOptions = "Blue", true, false) |
Selection (Multiple) | Red, Blue, Green, and so on. | MultiSelect Option Set | IF(ISNULLORWHITESPACE(CRMIMicrosoftDynamicssandbox_Lead.FavoriteColor), null, REPLACE(CRMIMicrosoftDynamicssandbox_Lead.FavoriteColor, ";", ","))
Avoid using commas and semicolons in multi-select field values in either CRM or Acoustic Campaign. Be sure that the selection values match between CRM and Acoustic Campaign. Failure to do so can result in sync errors or corrupted data. |
Number | 12.345 | Floating Point Number | IF(ISNULLORWHITESPACE(IMCDB_Lead.FloatingPointNumber2), null, IMCDB_Lead.FloatingPointNumber2) |
Number | 123 | Whole Number | IF(ISNULLORWHITESPACE(IMCDB_Lead.WholeNumberDuration), null, IMCDB_Lead.WholeNumberDuration) |
Date | 03/30/1987 | Date Only | IF(ISNULLORWHITESPACE(IMCDB_Lead.DateandTimeDateOnly), null, IMCDB_Lead.DateandTimeDateOnly) |
Text | This is some more text. | Multiple Lines of Text | IF(LEN( IMCDB_Lead.lotsoftext) > 1000, LEFT( IMCDB_Lead.lotsoftext, 1000), IMCDB_Lead.lotsoftext) |
Selection (Choose One) | Marketing | Option Set | IF(ISNULLORWHITESPACE(IMCDB_Lead.Industry), null, IMCDB_Lead.Industry) |
Text/Selection (Choose One) | Acoustic Campaign | Lookup |
LOOKUPTARGETVALUE("account","name",IMCDB_Lead.LookupAccount,"accountid") |