The exporting the failed records error
When viewing the history of a Solution in Scribe Online and attempting to create an export of failed records, the system consistently provides the following error message, Execution History Sync to Cloud is incomplete. Waiting on # execution history source data records.
Even if the user tries to export the records multiple times at different times of the day, the same error is displayed.
Resolving the problem
Scribe Online Support has explained there is a hard limit on the export size of the execution history. For more information, read the Review the following article for more details. If you are unable to solve the issue, open a case at
The List Not Found Error
Read through the following topic if you receive a List Not Found while working with Scribe online.
The error generally occurs if the Acoustic Campaign database that is synchronizing with CRM has spaces in the name and the integration is created and run before Jan 5, 2016.
To view additional details about your IS Solution Instance, you can sign in at and select the Solutions tab.
Follow these steps to fix the error.
- Open a CRMi case with the error in the case description.
- Export and save the maps of the affected solution.
- Capture a screenshot of the schedule settings for the solution.
- Create a new solution and import the exported maps.
- Save the solution.
- Go to Connections and Reset the metadata for the Silverpop® Connection.
- Check the process settings for the old maps, in the Query Block and apply the same setting to the imported maps in the new solution.
- Save the maps and solution.
- Disable the old solution in the General tab by clearing the box,
- Add CorruptedDoNotUse in the description of the old solution.
- Apply the schedule from the old solution to the new solution, if applicable
- Run the new solution if it's behind schedule.
- Monitor the solution for 1 to 2 scheduled runs to make sure the applied fix works.
- Update and resolve the related Silverpop case.
The output length synchronization error
Read through the following topic if you experience the error: The length of the result output, 1, did not match the number of inputs, 2, for the Connector Update operation in process 1. Acoustic Campaign to MS CRM - Lead Sync.
The error usually occurs in a map where Acoustic Campaign is the Source and CRM is the Target. The error suggests the number of records in the Acoustic Campaign was set to update or insert, based on the matching criteria and status of the records, did not match how many were available for update.
Resolving the problem
This can happen if a CRM record was deleted, qualified, or deactivated before Acoustic Campaign could update it. CRM does not allow updates to deactivated records. When a record is deleted in CRM, it can no longer be matched with a record that was added to Acoustic Campaign from CRM.
If the records are discovered, in the Query block of the affected map, advance the date and time when the record was processed. Bypass the date and time of the faulty record to allow the sync to continue. Even if the records are not immediately discovered it still exists in Acoustic Campaign database can be used for research by the CRM Admin. Open a Support Portal case with the CRMi team for resolution assistance.
For more information, refer to the following topics:
Scribe connection error
When you are running a scheduled or on-demand scribe solution one of the following errors might occur suggesting Scribe could not connect to Acoustic Campaign:
- Failed to open one or more connections: Verify that the Acoustic Campaign Pod is correct and that you can connect to the same Pod from the system that is running the Scribe Online Agent. The following error occurred: Unable to connect to the remote server.
- Failed to open one or more connections: Verify that the connection URL is correct and that you can connect to the same URL from the system that is running the Scribe Online Agent. The following exception message was returned from Acoustic Campaign: Unable to open the connection.
Follow these steps to resolve these errors:
- Log in to Scribe Online and go to the Connections area.
- Open the connection for Acoustic Campaign.
- Test the ability to connect to Acoustic Campaign.
If the test is successful, the connection most likely experienced a timeout during the run. However, if the error persists there might be a problem with the Refresh token or Acoustic Campaign user account that is specified in the connection or assigned to the token. Try one of the following methods:
- If the connection uses a URL and User account, troubleshoot the ability to log in to Acoustic Campaign directly in a browser with the user who is specified in the connection. It is possible the user's password is expired or the IP validation failed and the account is disabled. If the account is disabled refer to the Disabled user name to fix the issue.
- If the connection uses a Refresh token for Scribe, check the token status in Acoustic Campaign to make sure that the last access date reflects the last date and time you expected Scribe to connect with Acoustic Campaign. If the date is inconsistent it is best to revoke the current token and regenerate a new one to use in Scribe Online. If the error is Intermittent, it could suggest the Acoustic Campaign Org Admin user does not have the full API permissions that are needed to work from Scribe Online. Review the Create Integration User Account article for API permission suggestions.
The Page of Data errors
When running a scheduled Scribe solution for CRM to Acoustic Campaign Integration, sometimes the CRM connector may have a problem querying the records in CRM as specified in the Scribe Query or Lookup blocks. The built-in APIs for each CRM connector have batch settings that break up the original query in batches called Pages when hundreds or thousands of records, depending on the batch size set, are identified to be processed for the next Update\Insert\Create\Delete\Upsert operation(s).
A Paging Cookie is used to bookmark the first and last records processed. If the query or next operation is stuck on a record that happens to be bookmarked, an error will occur in Scribe online identifying the problematic record as the last and first record in the paging cookie, or just the starting record for the next page or batch to be processed. This generally causes a Fatal Error in Scribe Online since the CRM API query and next operation can’t bypass the record identified.
An example from a Dynamics 365 sync is the following:
Unable to get the next page of data. Dynamics 365 has not advanced the page cookie for Entity: sp_engagecampaign, PagingCookie: <cookie page="1"><modifiedon last="2019-10-10T04:51:41-04:00" first="2019-10-10T04:51:41-04:00" />< last="{9152BFE3-3AEB-E911-A967-000D3A124EF5}" first="{9152BFE3-3AEB-E911-A967-000D3A124EF5}" /></cookie>
Scribe Online is suggesting "I can’t complete the requested query, or next operation, for the record identified",
For Microsoft Dynamics CRM related "Page of Data" errors, Scribe Online support has identified two possible causes:
- Dynamics 365 CRM Paging Cookie Error for Dates with NonZero Milliseconds
- Dynamics 365 CRM Paging Cookie Error when using Includes in a Query or Fetch block
An example from a SugarCRM sync is the following:
Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Could not retrieve a page of data from:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Again, Scribe Online is suggesting 'I can’t complete the requested query, or next operation, for the record identified - or the batch of records included with this starting record”.
Open an Acoustic Campaign CRMi Support case for help troubleshooting the error but also refer to the following sections to begin troubleshooting or resolution.
For both examples, if the error persists for subsequent Scribe Online executions, and continues to show the same ID, then the sync cannot continue for other records until the identified record is addressed. If the error is intermittent or the ID changes, then the sync was able to overcome the issue for the previous record that produced the error.
For persistent Microsoft Dynamics CRM errors - Depending on the CRM Entity involved, re-modifying the record in CRM can change the "modified on" date so it can be captured and processed correctly during the next Scribe Online execution cycle.
Note: For Microsoft Dynamics CRM errors related specifically to the "sp_engagecampaign" entity. The error also points to a Parent Campaign being renamed and resynched in CRM. Refer to the Resolving Dynamics CRM Campaign to Contact List feature section for more details
For persistent SugarCRM Errors – Troubleshooting the identified record is best.
Bypassing the faulty record in Scribe Online
For errors that persist with the same id, the record can be bypassed in the Filter section of the Query block until a CRM Admin can troubleshoot the record directly in CRM.
In the map affected, edit the Query block, go to the Filter tab and add a filter criterion
And/Or | Field | Operator | Value |
sp_engagecampaignid | Is not equal to | Use the record id in the error message | |
id | Is not equal to | Use the record id in the error message | |
Contactid | Is not equal to | Use the record id in the error message | |
Leadid | Is not equal to | Use the record id in the error message |
Note: If more than 1 record in producing the error intermittently for the same entity, add more filters using the "And" parameter:
And/Or | Field | Operator | Value |
sp_engagecampaignid | Is not equal to | Use the record id in the 1st error message | |
and | sp_engagecampaignid | Is not equal to | Use the record id in the new error message |
and | sp_engagecampaignid | Is not equal to | Use the record id in the new error message |
and | sp_engagecampaignid | Is not equal to | Use the record id in the new error message |
- Click Validate and Ok to ensure the filters are saved. Ok will save and close the query block.
- Click Validate, Apply, and Ok to save and close the map.
Troubleshooting the record(s) via Scribe Online
- Duplicate the affected map, giving it a different name. Disable this map so it does not execute with the scheduled solution.
- Export the duplicated map from the solution.
- If a troubleshooting solution does not exist, create a new solution.
- Import the duplicated and exported map into the troubleshooting solution.
- Once imported, enable and customize the map by Editing the Query block, go to the Filter tab and add a filter criterion
And/Or | Field | Operator | Value |
sp_engagecampaignid | equals | Use the record id in the error message | |
id | equals | Use the record id in the error message | |
Contactid | equals | Use the record id in the error message | |
Leadid | equals | Use the record id in the error message |
Again, if more than 1 record is producing the error intermittently for the same entity, add more filters using the “And” parameter.
- Click Validate and Ok, to ensure the filters are saved, Ok will save and close the query block.
- Click Validate, Apply, and Ok to save and close the map.
- Go back to the Query block and use the preview tab to review the record(s) for anything that may conflict with the query being sent to CRM.
- If the preview returns “No Records Found” then it suggests the record has been deleted in CRM after the Scribe Online Query started and cached the record as being available for processing. This is common when records in CRM are being modified or deleted during the same time a Scribe Online solution is running.
The reprocessing failed records within Scribe online
Manually reprocessing failed records might be necessary if the cause of the failure is not addressed. Reprocessing failed records does not re-query the data source. It retries the data that exists within the failed record as it was when it failed. If you make changes to the data source to resolve the failure reason, click the Run Now button from the main solution page so that updated data is returned from the data source.
- Log into Scribe Online.
- To reprocess a failed record or group of failed records within a transaction, select the Solution and click the View history button.
- When a transaction has at least 1 failed record, you can highlight the transaction and click the Reprocess all button.
- Alternatively, if you would like to choose which failed records within a transaction must be reprocessed, click the View errors button and then check the box next to each of the failed records you want to reprocess. Then select Reprocess Selected.
The CRMi refresh tokens error
When you are trying to use refresh tokens for applications related to CRM integrations, errors may occur indicating that the token is not working.
Follow these steps to resolve the error:
- Go to Settings >Organization Settings > Application Account Access
- Check the last access date to see if the date matches the date and time you tried to access the token using the application.
- Go to Settings >User Accounts. Check the user assigned to the token to see if it is blocked or has a restricted IP address.
- Revoke the token and re-generate a new one.
- Verify whether the endpoint and Host URLs are accurate.
If the issue doesn't resolve by the suggested options, update the case stating the above items have been performed and suggest a date and time for troubleshooting the issue further with Support.