The System Status report for Canisters provides diagnostic data for the Short Term and Long Term Canisters in the Tealeaf environment.
To access the Canister health report, please complete these steps.
- In the Portal menu, navigate to System Status > Canister.
- Review the counts of Total Sessions in the STC and the LTC.
- Review the number of Active Sessions. You should be able to find these sessions in the Active Sessions page. Select Active > Sessions from the Portal menu.
The Un-indexed Sessions count can indicate a problem with indexing configuration. A high number of these sessions compared to the Total Sessions (LTC) figure should be investigated.
A non-zero number of Non-Evaluated Hits indicates that one or more of the Canisters is spooling. You should review the details in individual Short Term Canisters.
On the right side of the All Servers report, you can see the following statistics:
- Memory In Use indicates the percentage of all Short Term Canister memory allocated for session data that is currently in use for all servers.
If this figure is consistently over 80%, there are inadequate system resources for processing the data volume in the Short Term Canisters. You need to explore ways to free up system resources on your existing server or servers or consider adding resources. For more information, see your Windows™ Server documentation.
- CPU Utilization metrics should daily rates of CPU utilization and recent rates.
If this figure is consistently near 100%, there are inadequate system resources for processing the data volume in the Short Term Canisters. You need to explore ways to free up system resources on your existing server or servers or consider adding resources. For more information, see your Windows Server documentation.
- Memory In Use indicates the percentage of all Short Term Canister memory allocated for session data that is currently in use for all servers.