You can perform some modifications to a selected set of events that are provided by Tealeaf. For example, standard events capture useful information such as hit count, and it is useful to be able to associate report groups of your own creation with that event.
- These events are listed in the
Tealeaf Standard Events
event label. - The internal names of standard events begin with
. - You can review the underlying JavaScript™ of standard events. Click View Javascript in basic mode. The event JavaScript is displayed in advanced mode, but cannot be edited there.
The following events can be edited in basic mode:
Note: Do not edit the building block versions of the following events. The names of the building block versions are appended with [BB]
. These events are helper events for editing the original events in basic mode and are not intended to be modified.
Costly Session - Too Big
Costly Session - Too Many Hits
CUI Hit Count
Fact Count
Hit Count
Hit Generation Max for Session (ms)
Hit Generation Time Total (ms)
Hit Network Trip Time Max (ms)
Hit Network Trip Time Total (ms)
Hit Round Trip Time Max (ms)
Hit Round Trip Time Total (ms)
Hit Size Max (bytes)
Hit Size Total (MB)
Http 400 - Bad Request
Http 401 - Unauthorized
Http 402 - Payment Required
Http 403 - Forbidden
Http 404 - Not Found
Http 405 - Method Not Allowed
Http 500 - Internal Server Error
Large Hit Size
Long Gen Time and Large Hit Size
Long Hit Generation Time
One Hit Session Count
Page Count
Req Cancel Count
Req Size for Session (MB)
Rsp Size Total (MB)
Session Count
Session Length (sec)
Session Size (MB)
Permitted modifications
In basic mode, you can change any of the following:
, icon in use, or labels- The configuration options in the More Options tab
- Adding new report groups
Note: You may not remove the report groups that are originally configured for use with a standard event.