Tealeaf cxConnect for Data Analysis consists of a user interface, a service that schedules and extracts selected customer session data, and packaged APIs.
The data extractor runs on a server that is maintained by Tealeaf. This server can be either a dedicated server or the same machine that hosts the database server. cxConnect for Data Analysis tasks are able to run on an ad hoc basis or according to a preset daily or hourly schedule.
Note: You can have only one cxConnect for Data Analysis server running at any time.
Run tasks
cxConnect for Data Analysis completes the following tasks:
- Queries the Processing Server to return a list of matching sessions, according to the search strings that are applied as part of the task definition.
- Queries the Processing Server to return the XML session document for each matching session.
- Extracts name-value data from the returned XML, such as URL field name and URL field value.
- Exports the data to one of the defined destinations:
- A set of data files, each corresponding to an individual type of session data
- A flat log file in W3C-compliant format
Handle exceptions
If the data extraction process receives a socket exception while communicating with the Processing Server, it performs the following retry logic:
- Tries to ping the CX Server.
- If the server is not reachable for some configurable period, it stops processing and logs an error.
- If there is more than one CX Server, it attempts to connect to the next CX Server.
- If the CX Server is reachable, it tries to contact the Search Server service by performing a simple command to retrieve the event list.
- If the Search Server service is not responding for some configurable period, it stops processing and logs an error.
- If there are multiple CX Servers, the extractor process attempts to connect to the next CX Server.