You can examine pages as they are displayed to the visitor and replay the visitor's experience through your web browser. Use Browser Based Replay to replay a visitor session in its entirety.
For best replay results, replay the session in the same browser that was used to create the session. This information is displayed along the User Agent Information Bar under Best Replayed Using.
Note: Replay of sessions across multiple browser tabs or multiple browser windows is not
Note: BBR cannot set cookies that are intended to be captured as part of the visitor experience. If
cookies are integral to replay, you must use the CX RealiTea Viewer desktop application
Note: If a BBR session has been idle for 30 minutes, it is timed out by the server.
To replay the visitor session in its entirety:
- Do one of the following:
- Select Active > Sessions in the Portal menu.
- Select Search > Completed Sessions in the Portal menu. Select a Completed search template. Specify the search criteria for which you are looking.
- Next to the session you want to replay, click the Replay icon .
- In the dialog, select Browser.
The session that you selected is opened in Browser Based Replay in a new browser window.
- Select the page at which to begin the replay in the Navigation pane.
- Click the Start Replay icon in the toolbar.
- You can choose to replay the session as it was captured or to delay each page a preset number of seconds.